I find this whole suicide thing horrible. What is the point of making fun of someone else who is different from you? Does it make you feel better? I still can’t believe there have been no laws that have been passed in New York State about bullying, online or off. How many more teenagers are going to have to kill themselves? More teens are going to keep killing themselves and those who cause it won’t face any punishment at all. So many young people already lost the fight against bullying and decided it would be easier to end it all just because that person or people have no tolerance to different people. It is never right to hurt another person in any mental or psychical way because someone else has different beliefs than you. Think about it for a minute. If you have been making fun of someone else by the way the look and they decide to end their life. Then your own child or friend decides to take their life because someone has been making fun of them being gay. Do you want that? Someone you love has been taken away from you by someone else. Think about how that family feels who just lost their son. Do you want to feel the same pain as they do? Now it’s our time to stand up and have laws pass to stop this. The more we wait the more kid/teens will keep dying. For now it might not imply to you, until your own child is gone and you could have stopped it, if you just support laws against bullying. Suicide is third leading cause in death for age groups ranging 14 to 25. Over one million die of suicide each year in America. We have power to stop it. Stand up as one and we can defeat these demons. R.I.P Jamey Rodemeyer
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
My lunch yo. group c 2
I love Carbones. We try a million pizza places before we finally found this beautiful place. We don’t get pizza that often maybe once over two or maybe three month period. We get a party pizza because it is a better deal. Then we get two twenty-five orders of wings. One box is hot and the other is barbecued. Then of course we get some celery sticks on side that my dad loves. He gets very upset if they forget to get to put them in our order. Of course if there is a special deal going on we might get garlic sticks. Which are awesome. Unfortunately all this stuff is very unhealthy that is why we don’t get it so much because my mom wants us to be healthy so we won’t die. I feel so love. LOL. WE just recently had to for my sister birthday even though her birthday won’t be for another few weeks, but her boyfriend was going be out of town during that time so we decided to have it early. I really want pizza now, but of course I am not going get pizza from Carbones for like another month or so. That really stinks. I mean could go there and order something myself, but I don’t want to waste my money or my time. Plus I don’t need any more junk food in my diet sadly. I love this restaurant so much I could marry it and then I would probably eat it. Then the same cycle will keep going on on on on on on on on on on. Until you know I die of obesity. I really wish they can make it healthier then they probably would suck. Then I will not be happy bubble girl as I am usual.
Monday, September 26, 2011
I need my milk people. c group 1
Ok I got say the best lunch I get is from the snack bar. That what I have been eating, just two bags of chips. I do like to eat the salads put sometimes it’s all pick over. I guess I like the easiness of just getting the chips. I don’t have stand their making it while someone is pressure on me to move faster along. I know those chips are obviously not the healthy choice but I try my best to eat health. As long I’m not eating two bags of chips each day it is not that bad. Tomorrow I am probably going get salad and Wednesday I am probably get chips again since I don’t like potato bar day. I think when I was little my mom packed me very awesome lunch, a sandwich, bag of chips, grapes or another healthy choice and a juice box. Yeah but she doesn’t pack me lunch. She told me if I wanted a pack lunch I will have to do it myself. As much fun that would be, I would rather not. That would mean I would have to drag another bag to school and I already have my book bag and my tennis bag. Then if I ever forget it I would starve and then I would turn into monster. Trust me on this one; you do not want to be around me at all if I’m striving. Talking about all this amazing food makes me want to eat and I just had lunch last block right before writing this wonderful article. I want get mil before tennis practice. I try to get one during lunch but the stupid machine refuse to take my dollar. I was so mad. I hope they fix that problem. I need my milk people.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Homecoming queen,gingers, and big cookies. b group 4
Ok I was just told by Katie Herter that she doesn’t like me. I cried. Then she told me she was joking. A ginger bit Katie in lunch. She is now going turn into a ginger. I’m kind of afraid. I like my beautiful blonde hair. I love big cookies. They had them in lunch today. Homecoming dance is coming up. Exciting, yes. I got a very cute dress on sale at Debs. A good a moment of the dresses where like destroyed. I got 2 dresses. My homecoming dress is white and very sparkle and has little black flowers on it. Then there is this black bow on the lower part of the dress. I also got this amazing headband that I LOVE IT. I wish had had place to where these dresses too after high school is over. I don’t care I wear it to like a fancy restaurants and if people are staring. Their just jealous of my amazingly bold fashion choices, like usual. I have art club after school today. I can’t wait. I miss the first meeting because of sports pictures. I’m on the tennis team. I can’t wait they are picking officials. Mr. Currin just pretends to attack Katie and the Homecoming queen with a pencil. The Homecoming queen as known as Amber let me put her crown on. Then I took a picture. So when I’m 50 I will lie to my grandchildren that I was the Homecoming. He just called all editors to his desk and then they yelled edit. Mr. Currin you need work on this cheer. If you can’t do it right don’t do it at all. According to Mr. Currin Brain won the lottery when he got him as adv. teacher. I believe he is referring to the story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
get up and go. group b 3
Great moment in my life…go. Yes I guess that is great moment in my life. Just get up and go. I love to get up and go. When I first decide to join art club, it was like half way throw the year and my friends were in it and I was like why not? We were watching a movie, Toy story 3. IT WAS AWESOME!!!! The ending was sad slash happy. During the dramatic scenes some of my friends were hugging each other for dear life. It was so funny. We ate pizza and other junk food. It was awesome. The big shocker at the end of the movie wasn’t the movie itself. It was when the art teacher announces she has never seen Toy store 1 or 2. Everyone in the room scream what!!!! I still can’t believe I hope she has watch both of the movies. If she hasn’t she is missing out big time. It was sad when the movie ended we had to get up clean up after ourselves and then leave. I really didn’t want to leave but I also don’t want stay lock up in the school all alone. That would not be fun at all. My friend mom gave me ride home, which was a good thing because my mom was having a really bad headache. I have decided to join art club this year again but unfortunately I had to miss the first meeting because we had tennis pictures that day. I guess next year is my last shot to see if I can ever catch the first art club meeting. But I have feeling something when get in my way like usual. Well I guess that sums up my blog on great moment in my life. Now I just need, yes I’m at 300 words I can stop now!!!
Im going marry fall! group b 2
I’m pretty sure we did this blog last year. I quickly look into my file to see if I can find it and just reuse but I couldn’t find it. I did find my article from last year on fall and how awesome it is. I decide not use that because that is more generalize and not so personal. Ok if you haven’t figure it out what my favorite season is yet that’s sad. My favorite season is fall. I love the cool air and it isn’t hot and everything. I love making leave piles and jumping in to them. It isn’t much fun doing it by yourself so I haven’t done it in a long time. I also love Halloween but my mom doesn’t like it that much so we never done anything special. My friend is having a Halloween party this year and I can’t wait. I’m going make my dad take are Halloween stuff out of the attic. I hope he does it. I don’t want buy a new costume or anything. I was thing of making something out one the old costumes. I don’t have much left to say how much I love fall. Now I am seriously considering finding my old blog on this topic. What is the point of writing something you already wrote about? Now I’m stuck here rambling how much I love fall and how I hate the other 3 seasons. Doesn’t it just get boring for you? Will here I go. Fall is so awesome it kicks the other seasons butts. It has tons of colors and looks so pretty. It’s like a unicorn throw up rainbows everywhere it form of leaves. I want to marry fall because it is just that cool and only really cool stuff can marry someone as amazing as me. I’m awesome.
I'm not a stalker!!! group b 1
Yes I do use Facebook. I don’t post a lot of statues on Facebook. I do comment on what people say and such. There are many positive and negatives about Facebook. One thing is that people you don’t like can find you on Facebook. It really stinks because when you denied their friend request they are all mad at you. A positive about Facebook is that if there is a school event/club meeting I find out real fast. It does make me mad when some people don’t take advantage of it. I miss the first club meeting because the president decides it would be easier just to have it on announcements. My advisement class was so loud I couldn’t hear it. I end up missing first meeting. I was not happy what so ever at all. We all know how I get when I am not happy. Right Mr. Currin? I guess another negative thing about Facebook is that people can steal your identity. I think it really stinks if someone does that to you. If you are accepting friends request just so it looks like you have a lot friends that is kind of your fault. Also if you post your full name and all your information, that is another mistake on your part. I don’t like when Facebook just changes private setting without even telling you. I’m at home and my sister was yelling at me because I posted something on Facebook that she crashes both of my parents’ cars just by pulling into the driveway. I then found out my private setting was change my Facebook. That anyone was able to see it. I was pissed off. Another time Facebook close down my account and they gave me this long list of reasons why. Most of the reason made me sound like I was child molester. I sent them email asking why my account was close and they never responded. I had to create a new Facebook and I wasn’t allowed to use my new email because it was put on the black list apparently. SO I guess Facebook is kind of pain sometimes other times its ok.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Who cares what you like? group a
I feel comfortably writing almost about anything. I usually write in poetry form. I like writing mostly dark stuff I don’t know why. I think it’s more realistic to this life and everything isn’t all happy and ok. But I do like to write an ending where everything is worked out and solve. Sure in the end everyone might not get what they want but isn’t that life. I think I do like write about supernatural things, were people have special powers and can do things most ordinary people can’t do. I’m not really sure why I love that kind of stuff. I think is because how cool would it being to have special powers and be able to do cool stuff. I don’t like to write a lot of dialogue because I’m not good at that. I’m better at showing what the character is thinking and how they are feeling. I don’t like to write about sport events endless I am there because it seems I have a better grasp on what has happen. I can write almost about almost anything. Some stuff is gone to be better than others because some subjects don’t really interest be. I don’t like to interview. It is nice because you usual get enough words for that but I usually find interview articles boring. I can care less about what is your favorite color. Yet I can write a whole article based on interview but it most likely won’t be as fun or exciting article. I also write about animals’ pov. I mean who won’t want to know what going on in a cute foxes little head. I’m pretty sure I wrote a blog about a fox last year. I bet it rock. I know you love it because who won’t? Will that’s what I like and don’t.
Monday, September 12, 2011
The best years of this girl life!! Group A
I have two years of schooling that are my favorite. One from middle school and one from high school so far. My first one is 6 grade. The reason that was my favorite year was because I met my bff. We both like the same dorky stuff like anime and such. I also remember having study hall at the end of the day and I was able to finish a lot of my homework that was good year. My other favorite grade was sophomore year. It was really fun I finally got good friends that I could trust and I also had some amazing teachers last year. Sure class did seem boring but then my teachers would let us play a fun game. Even if the class was little dry the teacher made it up by being funny and nice. I had tons of fun with my friends at the homecoming. My one friend try to dip be but I thought I was going to fall since she like half my size. Winter ball wasn’t as good. But we still had fun. We had tons of fun at the pep rallies. Watching are classes fight and stuff. The harry potter game last year was great choice it was funny, exciting and interesting. I think some people unfortunately were too focusing on the inaccuracy it reflects harry potter. It was cool that I had some friends in my classes. I’m like that lonely person you will see seating alone if I have no friends in my classes. But last year I got really lucky because I had at least one friend in each class that made be very happy. I don’t know if this junior year going to top all the other years. But I guess we will I have to wait and see about that.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
I'm going to rule the world!!! group a
I know for this school year I really want be honor roll all year round and I also want to get straight A’s. The last part is a long shot. I really hope this year I don’t procrastinate a lot. I did that a lot in freshman year since most of the stuff was easy. I didn’t do it as much in sophomore. Now this year I just plan on getting everything done ahead of time because I am afraid with the way classes are arrange now I might forget something my accident and that would be very bad. I also plan on getting better at tennis. I am amaze I am not at the bottom consider I only played tennis during the summer and everyone else had year of practice. I also hope I decide on career this year. I was thinking accounting since it pays good money. But I have to look more into that. I would hate to go to college and find out how much I hate it and have to start all over again. That would take time and money and I have limited amount of both. I plan on taking accounting next year. Let’s hope I like it! My parents are all over me picking something. It’s giving me a headache. I also hope I can write more outside of school I love to write out of school put with tennis and everything I hope writing doesn’t take a backseat. I don’t have that many goals. I mean if I had too many goals the chances of me accomplishing them would be lower. I think I have some good goals. I don’t know during the school year I might create some more goals I don’t know. I do believe it is important to have some goals or what else would we do with are lives? Just poke each other with really sharp sticks?
Be jealous .group A
During summer I did mostly tennis each day. I was a part of rec tennis and I was in the advance group. Not because I was good, it was because of my age. I had a lot of fun. We played some games and learn new skills. But one day I had to ride my sister bike to tennis one day and I was coming home and I fell off because I didn’t react fast enough on breaks. I was on side walk. I didn’t fall hit the ground I kind of caught myself. Unfortunately I had dropped my tennis bag because it was either it or me. I choose myself obviously. My bag hit the ground and my water bottle pop open and killed my iPod. It was sad. I had a mini funeral for it. Good news was I was able to my sister old iPod off her for twenty bucks. I also join the tennis team during summer. We had enough girls so we didn’t have to try out. Wish kind of stink because I was practicing a lot. The rest of the summer was pretty boring. Except for last Friday my friend who works at Darien Lake gets free tickets with her paycheck. She took me and four other friends to Darien Lake. It was so much fun. We went on all the water rides first since it was really hot and then we went on the regular rides. Soon we stop and ate some subway. Then after are amazing dinner we played some games. I went home earlier because I was really tired because I had tough tennis match before I went to Darien Lake. The day after this amazing day I had get blood work done and then we went to the mall. I got two great dresses for school dances. I was surprise I was able find two cheap dresses that were in good condition, some of the dresses were just trashed. That is what I did for my whole summer. Be jealous, be very jealous.
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