The father and son are starring out to sea at the boat. Will it at least it looks like that to me. I’m sure many psychologists can tell you all the different meaning behind this picture but even though I have official graduate psychology I have no idea what this picture means. Maybe they both lose someone extremely important and this is where they will go with that person. Now with that person out of their lives, they only have each other. Then the light can symbolize that their hope to see one and another again is still going strong. The man is holding the lantern and there isn’t any other light as bright as the one the man is holding. Another meaning this picture could represent is the fact it is just way to dark out and they need a light. It could also be that the person of the light tower is not available and they both rush to get a light to guide the ship to safety. If they fail then the ship would crash and sink and then the man and the boy would be on the run. Of course they find a light and safely guide the ship to port. Then the town would be so happy they will give them all they want. Then they will go and attack the light tower guy for not being there to guide the boat. This picture and take on so many meaning for other people. A father who has a son will have a completely different view on the picture then I do. Also if a little boy would to see it he might think that their just looking at the ship. Will out of my three explanations above I believe the second one is the best guess.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
choice j group 4
Since technology is too stupid to save my blogs I have rewrite two of them and I really don’t feel like it so he it goes. I had amazing day full of candy and unicorns. It feels like I’m not even in school. It also feels like it is Friday and not Thursday. Great day today is feels like I can just go and jump of and building and fly. By I don’t have wings so that will not work out very well. I wonder what it is like to fly in airplane is it very scary like some people say or is it fun. I really don’t want to go throw airport security and have people poking me and touching me. I’ll just do the x-ray choice, isn’t that just great. Now I have at least I have 150 words left now. I just got done with my schedule. My next year won’t be easy but who honestly cares. I pick what I want to and now I’m just going deal with it. I’m not going list out the classes or anything like that because I don’t feel like getting that paper out right now. I just want to go home and not stay after school today for my 2 club meetings. I hate the fact I have two clubs meeting on same day every lovely Thursday. I have great idea I believe each president of the club over the summer gets together and talk about which day they want so there won’t be any annoying clashing with each other clubs and then you can go to more clubs. My nails are black I don’t know what color I’ll do them for snowball. I am wearing pink dress I don’t like but my sister throws a fit like 5 year old to get it and now I have wear it too something.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
No teacher K-5 j group 3
Since I have already wrote about my favorite teacher K-5 I’m going use this as a choice blog. I’m going write about my fun Chemistry and Psychology test back to back last two day. Psychology exam wasn’t as hard as I image it was going to be. I’m not sure if it was because I study like nuts or if he made it super easy. I study over two hours the night before. Then I study every chance I got during the day. I feel as if I did extremely well on it but I couldn’t think about it that much since I had to study for my Chemistry test. Again another brutal test even Mrs. Geck said this was a very hard test. I lucky pass with a good grade in my opinion since tons of people weren’t doing that great. Now with both test are done with I can relax for now. I’m also very excited to stat Sociology since I got a friend in that class ---------- > her name is Katie Herter. It’s always good to have friends in classes where they do tons of activities. I don’t know how different these two classes will be from each other but I believe Sociology is going be similar to a unit we have done in Psychology. I hope it will be just as interesting. Now I probably going to have to start getting prepare for Chemistry exam considering Chemistry can be difficult at some point. I know it is very early to start thinking about this exam but it is one of two exams I have to take and it is on the last day of regent’s week. I believe this is very cruel since there is an extreme amount of material to cover and giving us a week off before the exam is going hurt most of us then help us. Who is going study during summer week?
bands j group 2
It feels as if I have already writing about my favorite band or musicians before. I guess have to write about it a second time. I have multiple bands that I love Flyleaf, Skillet, Nickelback, Three Door Down, Three Days grace, Evanescence, Linkin Park, Avril Lavigne, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and this list can go on forever. I like a certain type of music depending on the mood I am in, like I said before in my blogs. I like to listen to Flyleaf when I’m not in good mood, skillet same things but sometimes they’re not always so hard core and Nickelback when I need to be lift up. Katy Perry and Lady Gaga usually put me in fun happy mood. Avril Lavigne music can go either way. There is one genre I’m not big fan of his country music, the only artist that I like that is kind of country is Taylor Swift. I don’t like all her songs I like certain ones. For example is “Better than Revenge” is probably one my favorite songs out of all of them. I sometimes feel a little bipolar when I have two YouTube’s up and one is Lady Gaga and the other is Skillet. That just shows how different my personality can be at times. I can’t just favorite musician or band for I never like all of their songs. I have like this one song by an artist and that was it and didn’t like any other songs that they have created. That seems like that happens to me a lot. I guess I can be very picky at what I like and what I don’t like. I personal believe no one has one all-time favorite band or musicians that they like always and forever. Do you still like music you listen too few years ago?
Will you be my hero group j 1
A hero is willing to throw everything away even their own life just to protect a person that they don’t even know. I’m not sure exactly who in my life my hero is. I love my parents but they’re not my hero and same with my siblings. I have had amazing teachers in the past and present but they are not exactly my hero their just people who I have respect for. I guess my hero would be those people who do out their life on line without receiving a paycheck in the end. I know that police officers and FBI are good people who try helping others but they are train for this kind of situations and they know what they are doing. But when an ordinary person gets involve in situation involves someone else’s life that is on the line and they only have that split section decision to either help that person or flee and they choose to help without thinking about themselves first. That is what makes a hero. I guess my hero is those ordinary people who are on the news for doing extraordinary things. I see people fight another person who has gun just so they can protect an innocent life from being taken away. I guess that in my personal opinion what heroes do. I know there are many different levels of being a hero. I guess the level I’m describing is the highest level of hero that is known. Being hero can be also classified by helping someone by donating food or clothes. That may be as heroic as the other hero but in the end of the day they are hero to that person they help out. I guess I know many people who are heroes just for doing simple things like that every day.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
My break i group 4
My break wasn’t that exciting. The highlight of my break besides Christmas Eve and day was going to the mall and Dave n Buster. I ate and played tons of different games it was really fun. Then after that was finish I went shopping around the mall. Unfortunately Easter Hills Mall doesn’t have a Hottopic. Which kind of stinks since Hottopic is having these amazing sales going on. All the other stores in the mall had like a million sales going on, yet there wasn’t anything I wanted or need. When I got to Claire’s they had their own little sale going on. I got pair knee high socks, earring, necklaces, and few more other things. The number one thing that I just love that I got at the store was a pair of gloves that look like foxes with blue eyes. They were also apart sale, I got them dirt cheap! Then after the mall we went to Michaels and I got a package of shoelaces. One pair is blue, completely glitter and shinning. The other pair is light blue with glitter strands tied in it. I love them so much. Then I looked in their scrapbook section and they finally had tennis stickers. I was like finally because I’ve been wanted some for my scrapbook. I though both items were on sale but some people don’t know how to put signs in correct place so the stickers weren’t on sale but the shoe laces were. I was cool with that since I really wanted them and plus everything else I got that day was on sale. That is what I did over break. It was I really fun day, I which I had a lot more days like that during the break. I hope my February break is just as fun if not more fun and exciting.
Monday, January 9, 2012
I'm bigger creep. i group 4
The day where everything in my life up to this point had no meaning to it, until I met Katie Herter. I remember that day very clearly and is still best day on my life. The second happiest moment of my life is when she accepted my friends request on Facebook. When she uses a special app on Facebook to see how many different people have visit her Facebook it says 1 under my name. For I stay on her Facebook page day and night no matter what. If the internet every goes out I scream in despair. Once I finally got her I gave her all she wanted. To go to all those metal concerts she so wanted go to and she will love it so much she will take me to Paris and New York City, which not only she does but she also proposal to me in New York City on my birthday. Even though I am under age we run of together on a fluffy pink pony with are cat and we will head to one place where they will allow us to get marry, Las Vegas. There we get marry by Marilyn Monroe impersonator that will marry us. I wore a dress that look very similar to Princess Diana, which is light baby blue color. While Katie also wears a dress which is hot pink. Also Creamsicle will be wearing a little crown so she won’t feel left out at all. Then of course when we go to cut the cake Katie’s favorite lead singer will pop out and will start singing her favorite song on earth. This will be the most romantic moments in history so romantic not only where there be tons of books written on it but also tons of movies starting us. Then we can live happily and rich together till day we die.
<------ Thats us.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
My list of stuff to do before I kick the bucket. i group 2
My Bucket list
1). Travel the world to places like Spain and Paris.
2). Find someone who loves me for me.
3).Go out in the world and have tons of adventure.
I want to see how other cultures diff er from ours. I mostly want to go to Paris and see the lights, to see if all the pictures and poetry about the place are true, if it really is the city of love. I want to find someone who loves me for me. I believe everyone has this dream of being loved by someone. I don’t plan on hopping on a plane and running off with a guy in a heartbeat. I still want that feeling of being that someone who means so much to person that they will fight for me no matter what. I know that day will come in time for everyone, even me. I want to see the world. I don’t love living in such a small town where there is nothing to do for a good period of time. I would travel to all the different states and see how they differ from us in New York. I love New York, just not the small town of Alden. I believe that the first place I’m going to travel to will be New York City. Not only is it extremely close but it has many different styles and cultures mix in it as well. All the stores and entertainment have much more to offer. I hear so much about it and how close it is I wonder why I haven’t tried to go to New York City. I’m not sure if I would like living in such a big city with all the noise and expensiveness. It will be my first place to go and start my adventure once high school is done with.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
My crazy ideas for future!!! group I 1
For my New Year’s Revolution I want to figure out what I want to go for in college. I have already have idea about what I want be and I plan on taking a class next year and see if I like it or not. The class is going accounting. I believe I would like accounting for I’m good dealing with money. I like to figure out how much I save and how long it takes me to save it. I am very afraid that accounting will turn out to be extremely boring as everyone else says. I also thought about maybe becoming chemical engineer. My dad keeps saying how these people are paid very well. I also do find chemistry very interesting. My dad talks about taking me to his work during the summer for a day so I can see how and what they do. I wish some jobs that I would probably enjoy more would pay more and be in bigger demand. I have some friends who want go to college for art but how many art jobs are there in the world? I’m just trying be realistic about my future. I just want job where I can somewhat enjoy doing it and make good money. Another Revolution is also to figure out what college I want to go to. I know for fact I’m going to ECC for first two years endless I get amazing scholarship to another college which I doubt will happen. I probably will go to University of Buffalo endless they don’t have the program I want to take. Those are my New Year’s Revolution. I hope when the next New Year’s come around I have this entire thing figure out, if I don’t I’m going be in some serious trouble since next year is my senior year.
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