I just finish reading the Taming of the Shrew. I was never a big fan of Shakespeare work. When I read Romeo and Juliet I though wow that wasn’t that great. Everyone always was saying that is one the most amazing plays of all time. Will that was big lie. When we started reading the Taming of the Shrew, I thought it might be a really good back. I was hoping the girl Katharina would stand dup to the men in the end and all the females would join her. No that didn’t happen in the end she becomes the most obedient pet out of all of them. What happen? Just because she lost some sleep and didn’t eat food awhile she gave up. That is the lamest ending ever. Shakespeare has no real respect for woman. He makes Juliet die, he makes Katharina become obedient pet and all other woman is lower than their husbands. This makes me think was really that bad back then? If so I’m so glad that I was not born back then. If so was I feeling so sorry for any lame guy who thinks he can tame me. I will kick his butt all the way to the next century. Next year I hope we won’t read anymore Shakespeare next year. I’m not a fan of reading something in very old English and it isn’t that hard to understand but there are some parts your thinking “What is going on”. Will now I like Romeo and Juliet way better than the Taming of the Shrew. At least in the end Romeo didn’t make Juliet all obedient. Now I kind a like it now. Also I already said it ten times, but I hate making up our own ideas. We waste time sitting here thinking of an idea.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
music 12/20-12/24
Music is one the most important things in my life. I can’t even think of a day when I haven listen to music. I love to listen to all different types of music. One day I will love one song and the next day I won’t listen to it. I can listen to one song a million times. I like to listen to music when I’m doing work because it keeps me calm and relax. I like to listen to music in the car and on the bus. The main reason I listen to it one the bus is because my bus is extremely loud and no one does anything about it. So I listen to block out the winy voices on the bus. People on my bus love to argue and try to start fights with one another. It is very stupid. I never listen to music that much outside my house because it always seems like my cd is dead or my headphones were broken. Will I listen to the stereo in our house a lot, especially in the morning before we went to school. I still listen to music in the morning one the bus. I think my least favorite type of music is the really deep country music, when the guy is singing about America and all that stuff. I don’t like that kind of music at all. But besides that type of music, I mostly listen to all genres. Will those are my reason why I love music so much and how I will have a lot of spare time on my hands if I couldn’t listen to music. I love YouTube for its many choices and how it is free. Another thing I would like to say is that I do not like making up your own idea for your blogs at all.
Monday, December 20, 2010
freedom 12/20-12/24
Freedom is important to everyone. But let’s face it freedom isn’t as fun as everyone makes it out as. Sometimes it is easier to let someone have some control over you. In one more month I’m going to be driving. Some people get overly excited by just thinking about it. I however am not. I can’t just sit in the back and listen to my music anymore. Every time we go somewhere my mom is going to make me drive. However having freedom is a very good thing. When you have a decision in front of you, you don’t want someone else make it for you, especially if it is a very big decision. Don’t you want the choice to make that decision? Even if it is the wrong choice you can learn from it. If we didn’t have freedom today I won’t be allowed to have this blog or write articles on my opinions. In fact this class might not even exist, if we didn’t have freedom. In days world when you watch shows on TV and you see the kid sneaking out and claiming they have no freedom. This is just showing what some people have to fight for to get what they want in the end. In the end of the fighting is it really worth it as you image it. I doubt it is. For now it is good to settle with the freedom you have in today’s world. Sure your parents may not let you do what others kids are doing. But when you wake up the next morning safe and sound in your bed you will be thankful. Sometimes when the parent s let their kids go out that may be the last time they will ever see them again. So for now be thankful for what you have. P.S Mr. Currin I hate making up my own topics.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
12/13-12/17 poem
A New Day Coming
by Mychal Wynn
When the sun announces the dawning day
Just flex your muscles and start on your way.
Go over, or under, around, or through
Any obstacles or hurdles that challenge you.
There's a new day coming.
Cast aside the failures of yesterday.
Forget the peaks and valleys that have paved your way.
Wipe the sweat from your brow and the dust from your shoe.
Take a breath and relax so that you may begin anew.
There's a new day coming.
Forget the burdens and obstacles that have held you back.
Focus on your dreams and prepare a plan of attack.
There are battles awaiting to challenge your success.
Daring you to stand tall and to give it your best.
There's a new day coming.
No matter how great the journey, or how heavy the load
How steep the mountain, or how rough the road.
When your arms grow weary and legs give way
Stop and rest for a moment, it will be okay.
There's a new day coming.
As shadows spring forth from the setting sun.
Take a moment and savor the battles you've won.
Sleep peacefully tonight and enjoy your rest.
Awaken tomorrow and continue your quest.
There's always, a new day coming.
I like this poem because it tells you no matter how hard today were. Tomorrow is always coming and it everything can change. It makes me think about all the difficult things people have to do on daily basics. Some people may had more pain then others. But everyone always get a new tomorrow. Some get more than others. Remember tomorrow can be the day where your life is beginning. That today is going be yesterday in few hours. It may take a while longer than others. This poem tells me today pain can’t hold you back for tomorrow. This also tells us don’t worrying about stopping and just looking around you always have tomorrow to get everything done. Then again you don’t have all the time in the world. You will die sooner or later will die. I also like this poem it is telling you to focus on your dreams and goals in life. Put down your everyday work life for a day and work on your dreams. It is important to have a dream, a goal or you will not have any real meaning to your life. You will soon lose all hope for today and then you will give up everything you have. But one day when you finally come back from your little world. You still might have some time to complete your goal in life. You don’t want to let go of your dream no one does. Some people are force to give up their dream by their parents or husband/wives. Do you should be lucky that you are allowed to dream in life and try to get it. Don’t give up your dream no matter how bad the situation is. There is always tomorrow to get your dream and no one can take it away.
12/13-12/17 What is beauty?
Now a day’s people believe beauty is what you look like. If you’re not supposedly “beautiful” then you’re not worth their time or you’re just not good enough for them, which isn’t true a person should not be judge on how they look. It just stereotypes that “beautiful” are the best people in the world. Looking at a blonde and thinking she is dumb because she is a blonde. People need stop using their eyes and try using their words. If you talk to that supposedly dumb blonde for a minute or two you can learn their not at all dumb. If the prettiest girl the meanest person alive to you only want to hang out with her because she is pretty. Will let’s hope you like talking to yourself a lot or not at all endless you like being scream or being treated badly. Treating someone just because they look is on biggest mistakes some can make. You can miss out on a really good friend just because you thought they went “pretty” enough. How would you feel if someone just dismisses you because you weren’t up to their standards? You feel horrible. That’s why beauty is skin deep. Sure that sounds like a really old saying but it is very true. The most hideous person alive can be the best person you will ever meet. That is what beauty is not your looks it your heart. You got let people in to find out if their good person or not. Of course that is your own choice. No one can make you do something you don’t want to do. Yet there are always results at the end. Whether it was good or bad it was your choice you cannot plan anyone else but yourself. For the decisions you have made in life. But you can always change.
Monday, December 13, 2010
12/13-12/17 learned about yourself as a writer
I learn how to take criticism better. I learn how to read and catch more of my mistakes. I really don’t know how my writing process worked. I just think of something and start writing. It might take me awhile to think of something I want to write about and how interesting it is to me. I really don’t like to write plan old boring information and how you must have it in a certain format. Like the MLA style. I like to write about tons of things like adventure triadic and more. It makes a story more interesting if something interesting is going on not just to people sitting in a room talking. I like to write random things. Sometimes I just might get a random and write it down somewhere. I know this class had impact my writing style. I know I still have problems with grammar and spelling. This class impact my way of setting up the store. Sometimes I just start writing then stop because they’re so many or so little directions I can go with it and I just stop writing that store. This class helps me think thing through before I start writing. Sure it is good idea to start writing without stopping. But if you don’t have a plan to continue your writing then you might just stop. This class has helped me a lot. First it taught me I should always have editor by my side. Secondly I should never make fun of certain people endless I’m my writing is perfect. Third is Mr. Currin can make a very funny mean face. Fourth be sure you have a clue what you’re writing about. Those are things that I learn from online publishing. To think I just took this class to fill up my schedule.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
When gnome attack!!! 12/6-12-10
I was wait for my bus as usual we have a substitute bus driver today. Ugh I’m going be the last one to get to my class. I want my original bus driver back at least she comes early enough. Then I felt something pulling on my leg. I look down and their standing next to me was a little gnome.
“Help us we are being attack my evil dog name spot” it said
“First off, that’s my dog; secondly he isn’t all that bad. Go and do whatever gnome do and leave me alone.”
“Come with us NOW us have no choice”
“Really I have no choice what are you going to do?”
“We will attack you.”
“Oh really I just can’t do this”
I left up my leg and kick the Gnome 20 feet away from me. It landed head first in the dirt.
“Get her” Yelled the little gnome who had his head still stuck in dirt.
Out of nowhere 20 gnomes appear. They all came charging at me. I keep kicking them away.
Then I decide to pick one up.
“Ok what do you guys really want? Tell me right now or I’m getting my dog out here.”
“Ok ok don’t hurt me. We thought you might have cookies we can steal from you”
“Seriously you attack me for cookies. Then again it isn’t like I never did that before. Also my mom doesn’t buy us junkie food, so you guys are out of luck”
“NOOOOOOOOO” They all scream while running away.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
12/6-12-10 favorite childhood game
My favorite game I use to play with my sisters, cousins, and neighbors were Hide n Seek. We use to invite are neighbors and cousins over who use to live across the street to play with us. They usual came over when are parents weren’t home. We would hide throughout the house and the couch was the safety. There was no puppy guarding. We had this opening in the wall and we would jump throw it and on to couch. Once at my cousins’ house we were playing Hide n Seek and I laid perfectly flat on my stomach in laundry room they had. No one couldn’t find me at all. I could hear people walking in front door and look in then they walk away. No one was smart enough to go fully in and look for me. I heard my sisters yelling my name looking for me. I eventually gave myself up everyone else was found and I was getting bored just lying their looking at the cloths that surrounds me. That was the best hiding place every. The second best hiding place I had was behind the door. We were suppose take a stuff animal and hide with it. I pick this huge lion animal to hide with me. But it was too big to hide behind the door with me. So I ended up ditching it. My sisters couldn’t’ find me forever until I believe Sarah found me hiding. That was one my favorite games to play when I was younger.
12/6-12-10 favorite childhood television show
I had many favorite televisions when I was a kid. But I got to say my favorite show out all of them was Sailor Moon. Yes it is a little girly but it does have fights in it and that’s made it interesting for me. I always wanted to be Sailor Moon because we both had blond hair. My sister also wanted to be her to. We always got in argument over who is Sailor Moon. To this day I believe that the argument was never settled. If the argument ever came up again I will still fight to be Sailor Moon. I think the reason why I like the shows was not only because of the fights because of the power they had to. Also Serena was walking down street looking at poster for Sailor Venus video game and she was wishing that she could be someone like that and of course it happen. Yes I do remember this. I still love the show to this day. I was very sad when they cancel it on television. My sister and I always watch it in the morning pretending to be the Sailor Scouts. This show was one of the best shows around when I was younger now they got a lot of dumb kid shows playing. That’s why Sailor Moon will always be one of my favorite shows. I had a lot of favorite shows as a kid. But this one beats all the other shows hands down. Until they change the person who did Serena voice. That was just horrible.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
What is art? 11/29-12/3
What is art? Many people have their own opinion on that question. Some thinks it just an artist in a room painting a bowl of fruit. Art can come in many forms. My opinion on art is that it can be anything that your mind lets it be. If you just stare at a painting of a chair in a corner and say what is the point of that. But if you let your mind wonder and think of up a story for why that chair is their or think of a message behind it then that to you can be art. If you can think of something about the story, painting or drawing and find something beneath the surface it can be art. If you want it to be art it can be art. It there is a pile of junk in corner and you think why the heck is this junk here get it out of here right now. You aren’t trying using your imagination. If you can look at that pile of junk and find message or maybe see a creature shape out of it. Then you are using your mind. Art can be basically anything if you let it be. Some people stick with the strict ways and don’t use their imagination. If it’s a paining hanging on a wall and you just some “Ohh it’s a wonderful peace of art”. Without even looking at it, you have no real reason why to you that piece of work is art. Then it isn’t a real piece of work to you it just a painting on a wall you just think it is art. You have no connection or any thought behind. That is my definition of art you must have message, story, or even a thought about it for you to consider it art.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
2.) Choose an image and compose a creative response to it. 11/29-12/3 FOXY

The moon is now in visible sight. This will be last time I walk on this land. I wonder if they will even miss me. Will I guess I never know. Will here I go.
1. Choose an image and write a reaction to it 11/29-12/3
The reason why I choose this picture is because it is just so adorable how the momma fox is touching the baby fox with her nose. That is just so unbelievable cute. I mean you always see movies, drawing or painting with animals touching each other with their nose. I never knew they actual did that in real life. I chose this image because I just love foxes. I don’t know why I just do. I think the main reason why I choose this because people say the animals have no sense of love or any other real emotion in animals. This picture shows how are connection with a mother and its baby is still extremely strong as ever even if their foxes. It doesn’t matter if there animal or human. We all have these emotions in our lives. I think I’m attracted to this picture mot only because it is extremely cute. It’s because of the bright orange on the foxes. I like how it just pop out from their fur. I also like the little stream in the background. I wish the background wasn’t so blurrily. I’m not sure if this was on purpose or not. If the photographer wanted us to pay more attention on the foxes or if they wanted the foxes colors of the fur stand out even more because the background is so dim and blur out. Whatever why the reason the photographer did what he did on purpose or by mistake. The picture is just so adorable I just want take the baby fox and give it a nice big hug. Or course foxes can be very violent sometimes, especially when they have a baby with them. That’s what I think of the picture it just so cute how can you not love it. P.S you get over yourself!!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
11/22-11/26 Fear builds walls
“Fears build walls” in my opinion it means that your fears hold you back from doing something you really want to do. If you want to jump out of a plain with a parachute but you’re afraid that the parachute won’t open then you will never try it. Sometimes you have to let go of your fears just to you get what you want in the end. It is okay to have fears but you shouldn’t let them control your life. If I was say I’m afraid of spiders I probably won’t go to warm places because they can get really big. Like monster big. But if I did have that fear I won’t let it control my life. Will I try my best not to let it control my life. So fear does built walls but you have to tear them down just to get to the other side. Sure it might be worth it in the end or not. But don’t you want to accomplish at least breaking down on of your walls of fear. You don’t have to do it over night. It might take a very, very, very, long time before you get over your fear. When you do accomplish breaking free from your fear, you can help others around you also break free from their fears too. Remember it is ok to be afraid but do not let fear run your life and the decisions you make. If you want to jump off a brigade don’t let the fear of the rope breaking stop you.
Monday, November 22, 2010
11/22-11/26 Nate Zobrest
Nate Zobrest 1. He loves to look at himself in the mirror and strike weird poses.
2. He secretly wants to be a ballerina.
3. He has a lucky pair of pink underwear.
4. After he read twilight he decided to try and jump out of his bedroom window and on to a tree. (he failed)
5. He loves to skip around and filed and sings songs from the Sounds of Music.
6. He is going rule the world one day with his army of polar bears. (he has it all figure out)
7. He wants to dye his hair the colors of the rainbow all in order
8. He was greatly disturbed when the cat poster went missing.
9. He really wants to have lunch with Brain Stoldt. (It’s true go to his blog)
10. The last thing is all classes that Mr. Currin has taught him especially online publishing are NOT the best classes every.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
11/15-11/19 winning
Winning most people think getting the better score is winning. Certain people like believe their winners when they really not. Winning in my opinion is just mostly state of mind. Sure the other team may have the better score then you do but are you happy, do you feel good. It just matters where your state of mind is. If you’re acting like a big cry baby and get all mad about the score then you are acting like a loser. But if you were smiling and just talking about how fun game was and then you re acting like a winner. Your attitude is affected by how others act. If one of you teammates were acting like a big cry baby then you might just start acting like one to. I think people like to thinking winning is the best thing in the world is because they want to feel like they did something that everyone will remember them for and that’s what they truly want, is to be remembering by others. I think some people get to obsess with winning and they let it cloud their judgment and they forget what they are doing and they end up hurting someone just to get what they want in the end. Winning can be a very good thing but sometimes people turn it into a bad thing. As long as you’re happy at the end of the day no matter what the score is you are a winner in my opinion. Will that is all I have about winning. I know many peoples have different views from what I think and i'm okay with that. As long as people do not try push their views on me and then I will be okay with it. I know some people love to win but remember what you are gaining in the end.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Thankful 11/15-11/19
There are many things that people are thankful for. Like their health, family and more. I have a lot to be thankful for. One thing that I’m very thankful for is that my parents are still together. Before I move to Alden many of many friends parents where divorce and they talked about how they can only see their mom or dad on certain days. I should be thankful for that I get to some good amount of time with each of them. Another thing I’m thankful for is that my dad is still here with me and my family. My dad has to travel to different parts of the world and one time a day before he was coming home a plane crash and my mom and I were worried that something like that will happen to my dad on his way home. But luckily he came home safe and sound. People have lost their love ones in plane crashes and never got a chance to see them again. I’m very lucky that my parents give me things that I want and need. Some kid’s families might not even have a quarter of what I had. Our parents let us know that every day. I’m thankful for my health. That just seems like just a regular thing to be thankful for but I should be happy I have good health. We have lots bad things that runs through are family and I can be laying in hospital right now I had one of these conditions. I thankful for my friends here in Alden. When I first move here I didn’t know anyone and I was kind of shy. But then I made good friends in the first couple days here in Alden. The last thing I’m thankful for is my sisters. No matter how annoying they may get they always have my back when I really need them. There are all the things I’m thankful for.I consider myself one of the lucky kids. All I have to do is watch the news and remember how all over the world people are dying from hunger and diseases that can be easily prevent with today’s medicine. SO yet again I say how I’m very thankful for all I have.
What is your favorite holiday? Why? 11/15-11/19
My favorite holiday is Halloween. I love dressing up. You can be something completely adorable one minute and they next minute you can be the scariest monster on the plant. I also love the candy. I loved getting different types of candy and how my sisters and I will trade with each other. Another fun thing about Halloween is you can completely scare the crap out of someone. For one October I scared my second oldest sister Sarah repeat it was so much fun. Then one time I was sitting in front of the TV and I saw her coming up behind me by using the TV screen and she was getting ready to scare me and I smile and wave at the TV screen saying hi. She looked really mad it was so much fun. Another thing I love about Halloween is that you get to crave pumpkin and make any kinds of facing in them funny, happy, sad or you can just do random designs on it my friend put a peace sign on her pumpkin it was really cute except she kind of mess it up a little but it wasn’t that noticeable. Another thing I like about Halloween is seeing everyone’s costumes. Just to see if they store bought it or had enough creatively in their heads to make up their own cool designs or did they combine both together. There are many reasons why I like Halloween but if you asked someone what their favorite holiday is their answer is mostly likely Christmas will not this girl answer. There is a lot of holidays that are fun but can only be fun if your apart of it. Like Valentine’s Day is a fun holiday if you only have a girlfriend or boyfriend. If you don’t that holiday isn’t that much fun to you. So there is some fun holidays out their but I believe Halloween beats them all.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
11/8-11/12 If I could have lunch with three people living or deceased they would be
If I could have lunch with three people, it probably be my best friend Katelyn. My grandfather that is my dad’s father and Joe. The reason why I pick my best friend is that I don’t see her for long periods of time. She lives down in Georgia now and haven’t seen her in months. The reason why I want to meet my grandfather is because I never meet him before. He died from a heart attack when my mom was pregnant with me. My sisters use to tell me my grandmother would tell me he was at the store when I was little. When I got older I finally learn the truth. Joe was our next door neighbor. He was very kind man to be and my sisters. So was his wife. We use to over to their house and talk to them all time. Then one day during winter time. He had a heart attack and he was sent to hospital. Unfortunately he didn’t make it through. I was very sad he was a grandparent to me and I just lost him. After that his wife Dawn move away to live with her son I think. I pick these three people because they all our important to be. I feel robed from them. I want a chance to spend time with them. I never had enough time with any of them in my opinion. Katelyn was with me for two years before she move to Korea, I had no time with my grandfather and I’m not sure how much time I had with Joe but I don’t think it was enough.
11/8-11/12 Thanksgiving
Are family celebrates Thanksgiving like any other family does. It starts with out dad getting up early to start all the cooking. Yes are dad makes the meal not my mom. One year dad was out of town and my mom bought turkeys subs for us that Thanksgiving. Will my dad does the most of the cooking and my mom helps out here and there. My sisters and I usually don’t really help with anything. Then when the food is all prepare. We sit down around 5 o’clock and say grace. Are dogs usually sat around us begging for food and hoping some of our food will fall down so they can eat it. We always give them a little but a lot, because one of dogs gets sick when he eats fatty foods, so we give both of our dogs little amounts. It wouldn’t be fair if we gave one dog way more food than the other one. Will when we are down I sit around and wait for my mom to cut the pumpkin pie. She usually takes along time because she is very tire after the dinner, when I and my sister finish our deserts. We then go and break the wish bone from the turkey I usually lose no matter what. Which sucks a lot. I think I won couple times but my sisters claim that I cheated. This year my mom wants to start a new tradition where she bakes pumpkin muffins to eat in morning. They are really good. So are thanksgiving is that different from many people but we do enjoy it a lot.
11/8-11/12 motivational quotes
“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. “by Robert Frost. Robert Frost has always been one my favorite poets. The reason why I like this one is that. In the end good or bad life does go on. So don’t stop after one little failure just keep going.
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” by Henry David Thoreau. The reason why I like this is one is that many people given up on their dreams. This inspires people to continue with their dreams. No matter what people said. If you truly believe in your dream don’t just chase after it capture it.
“We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities.” By Ralph Waldo Emerson. Like many before us people had many dreams and ideas. Some were too afraid to go after them. But others were ready to risk everything to reach their dreams. If these people never went after their dreams. The U.S.A would have never been discovered by Europeans. We might not have the technology that we do today that helps saves peoples lives. There is my reason why I like this quote. It talks about the past accomplishment and the near future accomplishments.
All these writers have a great positive outlook on life at one point and wish for others to have positive outlook on life too.
Friday, November 5, 2010
11/1-11/5 What is respect?
Respect. Many people have many definitions for it. I guess respect to me is. Treating people who you truly despise nicely is a sign of respect. Then I guess I have a lot of respect to others I guess. Then a again respect can go so far before I’m completely piss off and end up ripping someones head off. Respect shouldn’t be abused if you tried to use it against me you will be in hospital faster than you can say BAM. So respect comes in many different shapes and forms in my opinion. One form is when you’re talking to a teacher you should give them your respect; even if you hate them and their pure evil. Also trying to give your classmates respect is a good idea. You can have them as a partner on a project and you treated them like crap for the past few years. Your partnership might not work. Then you will fail misery on the project because the two of you couldn’t get along for even a minute. So respect can be a big help to you if you give it to other people. Respect can help you a lot in the long run. So maybe if you truly despise someone just try to be polite and respectful. You don’t have to be friends with them at all. Just be on good turns. And it might come back and help you. However you treat them badly it can come back and haunt you and your grade.
dream job 11/1-11/5
I have a couple of dream jobs. One of my dream jobs is to be an author and write books. The reason why I like the idea of being an author is that you have complete freedom to write what you want to write about there is no real limits. I can make up my own little world where I make the rules. My other dream job is to be a jewelry designer. I love playing around with jewelry and they seem to break in next day. So not only will I make stronger non-cheap jewelry that is not extremely bulky and too much. I will also make it affordable. It is nuts what some high fashions designers want for a little necklaces. I guess after I get rich from my jewelry I can work on writing. I will of course continue working. I just can’t stay home and do nothing. I don’t know how some people can just be a stay at home mom. I mean when do you every get to leave the house. Or take to other people face to face. That is why I will continue with both my writing and working with jewelry. My jobs will also let me travel all around the world. So I can get inspired by the way other people live. So my writing and my jewelry can relate to other cultures. Then I will return home to my family where my hardest job awaits me. That is raising a family.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
10/25-10/29 free time
I really do not want to know or even think about what Ryan does in his free time. I only get a little sample at school every day and trust me that is enough. Ryan is extremely evil everyone knows that. For one thing he takes thing that do not belong to him. Ms. P had a pig piñata in her class and it had a little hat on it. Ryan saw it one day and decide to steal it and wear it for rest of the day claiming that it his. When he finally returns it was cover in lice and god knows what other things that are living on his body. Then he just wanders around the school like some monkey with his little crew and lies to teacher. Not caring if the teacher gets in trouble or not. Lucky Ms. put end to that. Then one day he decide he will torture a cute stuff kitten by tying it to fishing line and throwing everywhere like a manganic. What kind of sick person will do that? This just proves how deeply disturbed he is. For all we know the stuff he does in his free time is a thousand times worse then what we see here in school. So let’s recap he steals and lies to teachers. He has some sick dream about tying little kittens up and torturing them. So in all what Ryan does in his spare time is his and the police business and that is it. So one day we will all see on nationally television Ryan being drag away to asylum for all the sick things he does in his spare time. I still hate fact that I’m evening thinking about this. Mr.Currin is also evil as Ryan for making us write this article.
10/25-10/29 injured
When I was little I was injury mental and physical. It was a cold winter evening the elementary school was just let out. As usual I waited for my mom like I always do. My mom never shows up. I was sad, scary, and upset. I wasn’t sure if I should stay or try make my way home. Then I decide to make the long journal home by myself. Our house was across a field that leads to school. This field had three baseball areas and there was tons space between them. When I started my long walk home my boats begin to fall off and I kept on tripping and twist my ankle repeatedly. By the time I reach the wooden fence that separated the field from other people’s backyards. My feet where frozen sold and hurting from all the twist and tripping. My face was cover in tears. My oldest sister got off the bus and saw me trying to get home. She walked up to me and asks where our mom was. I said she never show up. My sister helps me get to our house and take my stuff off. She went upstairs to find out our mom was asleep. I got even more upset. My mom blew me off so she can sleep. My mom had job back then where should work nights and sleep daring the say. Will anyways when my mom woke up and remember that she forgot about me she came down stairs to find me. She said she was really sorry she said she must of sleep through her alarm clock. Will sorry wasn’t good enough for me. So over the years I made my mom feel guilty about not picking me up on that faithful day. My mom never forgot to pick me up from school again. I think.
10/25-10/29 Why do you look up to them
The person I look up to is Gin Ichimaru. You may have never heard of him. Will the reason for that is a fictional character. Real or not I still look up to him. The reason why I look up to he is because he is happy and content with being himself. Many people may disprove on how he acts and keeps trying bringing him down because of that. But he doesn’t let them. He refuses to let them change him or make him hate himself. He always has a smile on his face. It may be kind of creep smile but still smile. He is showing them he is going to be happy and do what he wants to do. Another reason why I look up to is because he is extremely clever and smart. He knows how to twist the situation around so it will end up in his favor. Tricky, yes, smart, yes. He doesn’t have a lot of friends but he isn’t afraid to make small talk with people who truly despise him with all their heart. He is brave and civil enough to talk to these people who always talk badly about him. Another thing I look up to him for is that he is an adult but he still has a child side to him that he won’t let go or it won’t let go of him. He knows when to act like an adult momentary before going back and act like a kid. No matter how much people disprove of the way he acts he just doesn’t care. Another reason why I look up to he is that no matter how mean these people are to him and such he is still polite enough to be nice back. Later on in series of manga (Japanese comic books) he turns evil. In my personal opinion it is from all cruel treatment he was given why he was growing up. If these people like past the looks and treat him nicely he may not be trying to kill them.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
10/18-10/22 Scariest thing
I think the scariest thing I ever done was always in my dreams. In your dreams you can’t control it most of the time. I remember being cover in spiders covering me. They kept biting me and I just can’t make them stop no matter what. Then I remember “waking up” in dream and I went school people kept asking where did I get all of those bite marks from. The only word I can think of is spiders. It just feels like no matter where I went or what I tried to do I couldn’t escape the spiders. When I finally awaken from this horrid dream, I just couldn’t get the feeling to leave me for a while. In my opinion the scariest thing in this world is your dreams. You nightmare finally come to life in this dreams. But these dreams let you face your nightmares head on without getting hurt, unless you fall out of your bed. These dreams help you learn how to face your nightmares and help you gain control over your decisions. Your dreams can be dreams or nightmares. You can sometimes change your nightmares into sweet dreams. This is true for the really world. If you’re having a bad day you can always change it around. It is your choice and you do have the power to do so. So this is my scariest thing that happened to me. To you I might sound like a little girl crying about a little spider. If you had thousands little spider eating for little snack you will change your mind real quickly.
10/18-10/22 the story
He sprints down the hallway. Sweat pouring down his face. He doesn’t know where he should hide next. It doesn’t matter. He knew where every he goes it will find him. He can jump on plane to Paris and it will follow him. There is no escaping. He knew he is going to die. He can hear it. It’s practically breathing down his neck.
“Come out and play Nate” whisper the voice. “Ahh it isn’t as fun if only one of us is playing the game”
The footsteps came closer and closer and when the demon was only few feet away Nate dashes off. He runs down another hallway looking for someone to help him. But he knew there is no one there to help him. He is all alone in this demon world. The demon controls this world. Whatever the demon wants to happen, happens. The demon is very old and tricky demon. This demon pick out a person and rips them from reality and end up in there world. Where he will play with you until he got bored and then he will finish you of. Then he got idea. Nate decides if he hit demon on head hard enough he can be release for this world. He set his plan in motion. He took some computer cords and tie them around some desk and tie them right above the door so when demon enters it hits him right on his head. He can hear the demon coming he hid under a desk. He hears a door open and he heard a laugh.
“Oh boy you aren’t first one who tired this trick, just like all the others you’re going to lose either way” He laughs.
Just when he loses all hope he didn’t notice that one of the desks where still stuck right above the demons head. When the demon walks forward the desk got free and hit him right between his eyes. The demon sways a little right before he fell to ground. Then with a white flash he is back in his world.
“Where have you been” Mr.Currin ask.
“Fighting of a demon” Nate says with a proud look of his face.
“Will Nate you have detention for being late and your still not the boss” Currin says with a smug look on his face.
“Ah man you serious” Nate complains.
Form online publishing and to detention Nate continues to complains and claim his story his real. People begin to think he is insane so they sent him off to a asylum for rest of his live he tells the story of him fighting the demon. Then at the end of story he will always add that he is “The Boss”. No one knew or care what that meant.
Monday, October 18, 2010
10/18-10/22 the boss
First of I don’t know who us Nate Baily is nor do I care. So in my opinion he is not the boss. A boss is a person who has the most control over the situation. The boss is the person who has to make sure people are doing their job and doing it well. Another thing a boss must have to do is make sure that everything is going to plan. Also a boss must take responsibility for his or hers actions and the actions for their coworkers. A boss takes charge. They won’t sit there and let everyone go and do whatever they want to do. They will make the people listen and do their job. Sometimes a boss is a person you have very much respect for. The reason is they do a lot of work to keep the work place running and make sure everything is right. If something is wrong they will make sure it gets fix one way or another. A boss should be friendly to all coworkers even if they don’t like a few of them. The must treat everyone the same way. A boss shouldn’t have to use fear to get the coworkers to listen to them. They should have the people skills to know how make the coworkers to listen to them. There are my reasons what character traits a boss need to successed in the overall situation if the boss has none of these traits. They should be immediately fired right away. So if Nate Baily is the boss and he has none of these traits I guess its bye bye to Nate then.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
10/11-10/15 Best Meal Ever!
The best meal ever! I’m not really sure how to choose the best meal ever there is so many delicious foods out there and it’s very hard just to choose one. I think in my opinion it just depends on what you’re in mood for. So if I want something chocolate and sweet. A chocolate cookie will be the best meal ever. I know you’re thinking a cookie for meal that’s not meal. When in your opinion it isn’t but other people might think it is a meal. For right now I’m actual in the mood Carb Regouns. There this Chinese food. They have like crunchy deep friend shell with warm gooey stuff in the middle. I know it doesn’t sound good the way I describe it but it is. I only know one place you can get them is from Arcade but there could be other restaurants that serve this. They one done side to this best meal ever is that is high in calories and fat. So if you’re watching your diet you might not want to eat them. So right now in my personal option Crab Regouns are the best meal ever right now. But in few days I most likely have change my mine and think pizza is the best meal ever. For now Carb Regeouns are the best meal ever.
10/11-10/15 Best Song or Band Ever!
The best song ever for right now is Shakespeare by Miranda Gosgrove. This song is very fun listen to and good love song. If you’re sad this song can cheer you up in first few seconds. Miranda Gosgrove is good singer. The lyrics with her vocals just make this song just so unbelievable good. But in couple of weeks this song won’t be the best song ever. Each day hear a new song and it becomes the best song ever in our opinions. But, in few weeks or days we will get tired of it and we will move on to something else. For example like when I find a song I love I listen to it repeat until it gets old then I just move on to the next one. I think most people usual follow these patterns. I mean when “Bad Romance” by Lady Gaga came out it was all you hear everywhere you go. Now you won’t hear it as much. It still listen to a lot but it isn’t as listen to as much as it was used to. So over all there are best songs and bands ever out there. But in few days, weeks, months, or years they won’t be number one anymore. Right now the best song every, is “Shakespeare” by Miranda Gosgrove. In my own personal opinion.
10/11-10/15 Best Song or Band Ever!
The best song ever for right now is Shakespeare by Miranda Gosgrove. This song is very fun listen to and good love song. If you’re sad this song can cheer you up in first few seconds. Miranda Gosgrove is good singer. The lyrics with her vocals just make this song just so unbelievable good. But in couple of weeks this song won’t be the best song ever. Each day hear a new song and it becomes the best song ever in our opinions. But, in few weeks or days we will get tired of it and we will move on to something else. For example like when I find a song I love I listen to it repeat until it gets old then I just move on to the next one. I think most people usual follow these patterns. I mean when “Bad Romance” by Lady Gaga came out it was all you hear everywhere you go. Now you won’t hear it as much. It still listen to a lot but it isn’t as listen to as much as it was used to. So over all there are best songs and bands ever out there. But in few days, weeks, months, or years they won’t be number one anymore. Right now the best song every, is “Shakespeare” by Miranda Gosgrove. In my own personal opinion.
10/11-10/15 Best Class Ever
The Best Class every is Creative writing class. Creative writing class is a very fun class. Not only is the teacher fun, so is the project and games. When you are in Creative Writing class you get chance to show your creative side by writing goofy stories, and more. One of my favorite things I had ever done in creative writing class was “Pass it on” game. In the game you Mr. Edward gives you a random word then you begin to write a store in a certain amount of time. When time is up you pass in on to the next person and they have to continue writing it. This continues until your paper is back to you. The stories are usual wacky and funny and that’s why I like doing this game. I also like when it was nice outside he will take us out there and we will sit under the tree and read our stories out loud. Also when we have free days in the class we could use the time to do our homework. Or we could do extra credit for creative writing. Another reason why I like this class is because you can redo your papers and get a better grade if you want to. So those are the reasons why I love Creative writing class. Creative Writing class is THE BEST CLASS EVER.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
10/4-10/8 Favorite Movie 3
Spirited Away
This movie is an anime movie. This movie takes place where a young girl and her parents are on their way to their new house. The father decides to take a short cut and then they end up in magical demission where her parents are turn into pigs and she is force to work under a mean wicked old hag. As she tries to find a way to rescue her parents, she makes a few friends along the way. These friends try to help her as much as possible. The reason why I like this movie is because you’re not really sure what’s going happen next and if she is going to make it out alive. It has many interesting twist in it. I also like the weird creatures they add in to the movie. It just makes it more exciting and interesting. I also like it because in beginning of the movie the girl was so unsure of how she is going to deal with the new school and the people. This adventure she has makes her realize she is a lot stronger then she thought she was and she can do anything as long she put her mind in to it.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
10/4-10/8 Favorite Movie 2
The Craft
This movie is about moving trying to fit in and having deal with magic on everyday. This movie starts out with a new girl called Sarah moving into to new area and trying to make new friends. She tries makes friends with this boy who ends up spreading this rumor about her so she ends up being friends with these three girls who are into magic. These girls call her the “fourth” and that completes there magic circle. Then they all use this one spell to make a wish and each one backs fires one way or the other. Then one girls use the circle so she can gain tons of power then she begins to miss use it. The girl starts to lose her mind. Then she and the others decide they only want three in circle so Sarah is kick out. Then the three starts to torture her but Sarah turns it against them. The reason why I like this movie it shows how peer pressure can get inside your head and change you. It also shows how so much power can go to your head and then you will lose it. In end as long as you stay true to yourself it doesn’t matter what other people think of you.
10/4-10/8 favorite movie 1
The Lovely Bones
This movie was one of my favorites for it had everything you want in a movie, drama, suspense, and a little comedy here and there. This movie takes place during the late 70’s. This movie shows a family who is trying to deal with their loss of their oldest child. Also you see the point of view form the dead daughter as she watches her father trying to find her killer, her mother trying to confront her emotions and her sibling trying to figure out how what to do now. Her friends also try to figure out what should they do next move on and forget her. This movie will touch your heart and there might be a tear once in a while. This movie shows what everyday families have to do when they find their child dead and then learns how to deal with this and how to move on with their lives without ever forgetting her. This movie may be too sad for some people and some probably can’t make it past the first scene without having to cry. So these are the reasons why I love this movie and why it’s in my top three favorites.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
9/27-10/1 blog 2 vacation spot
Over the summer I went to Myrtle Beach. I love the area, because I can play in the ocean and go shopping. We stay in a hotel while my family and I were done there. It was nice accept that I had to share a room with by sister. She can be very bossy. We got to eat tons of junk food while we were down there. I love walking down the beach right before dark because it’s nice and cool and not a lot of people are on the beach around that time. We did some shopping done there. I only got two necklaces out all the stories we went to. There wasn’t really that much stuff; all the things are all stories where the same and it was kind of an annoying. So that really sucks. When I was finally alone I was able to watch what I want on TV and do what I want without being interrupted. I was sad when he had to leave. It’s a long drive back to New York, at least twelve hours. But it was a good thing that we did leave because there hurricanes started to move in like a week after we were there. We were very lucky. When that’s why I love going to Myrtle Beach it’s a fun place to be.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
9/27-10/1 blog 3 favorite season
My favorite season is fall. I love how all the leaves change in to different colors. Then I can I put them all in a big pile and jump into them. I also love how nice and cool it is. It isn’t freezing cold or sweltering hot. I also love fall because Halloween is during fall. I love Halloween because I get tons of candy (I buy candy no more trick or treat anymore) and I get to scary my sisters and friends wish is always a blast. Then I can dress up and be anyone I want to be. I also love the movies and stories they usual play on Halloween. Another reason why I love fall is because that mean school starts. By time fall starts I’m so sick of summer. But now since school has started a few weeks ago I’m ready for it to be summer again. It is nice to see old and make new friends, also to see who is your new teacher for the half the year. Fall is also my favorite time of the year because you get to see all the geese fly south, but is kind of annoying to hear my dog bark at them. So those are my reasons why I love fall and I will never love another season as much.
9/27-10/1 Interview with Kyle Rappold Blog 1
Kyle Rappold
1. Question: What is your favorite class? Why?
Answer: I like English class because the teacher. I like the teacher teaching habits and she is very easy going teacher to talk to. Math is a close second. I also like the teacher to.
2. Question: What is your favorite kind of music? Why?
Answer: I mostly like 80’s kind of music because they have more meaning then the music today. I believe the music today is mostly jumble things together and has no really true meaning to it.
3. Question: What is your dream job? Why?
Answer: My dream job is being an EMT. I think it will be cool to pull peoples bodies out of the of the accident site. Then be with them until they get to hospital and drop them off there. Then go to the next site. It’s a very exciting career to be involved in.
4. Question: What is your favorite sport? Why?
Answer: I favorite sport is ice hockey. The reason is because it’s fun trying to hit the other team players and trying to annoy them. It’s also fun trying to make a goal and chasing after the ball.
5. Question: What is your favorite movie? Why?
Answer: I like the movie scream, mostly because its horror and I like horror movies. They are very cool.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
9/20-9/24 Future
I’m very unsure about my future. I have no really plan just a basic outline. I know I want a job that makes lots money yet I also enjoy. I want to see the world. Travel to tons of different places. I know I will go to college for sure and hopefully be studying something I enjoy. I want a family a husband and adopted children. But not the minute I’m out of college. I don’t plan one bearing my own children while there are tons of kids in the world who don’t have any parents or relatives. Also this will make sure that my family crazy gene won’t be passed down to my child. I might want to adopt one or two girls. If my husband wants a son he better home one of our girls is tom boy. I think I would like to stay in a cool place. I won’t enjoy moving to very hot place like Florida, unless there is air condition in the house. I don’t want to live in a big city went I get older. It would be fun but all the noise would get annoying. I also don’t want to live in the middle of nowhere either. I might want live in a big town that’s has plenty things to do in it. I don’t plan on planning all these things based on my husband wants. We would have to make things work. As long were both happy in the end it matters. So hopefully my future turns out good.
9/20-9/24 Present
I love in my life how I have more freedom now than I did when I was younger. I like that I don’t have to follow my mom around the mall like a loss little puppy. I can go to the stories I like and not have to go to store that I dislike. I love all the things that are going on in my world. Like the new music some artists are creating like Lady Gaga and Eminem and how there different from other artist. I also love how know in school I have a choice in what subjects I can take now. I can take extra classes that are fun to me. I love how now I can wear what I want to wear without my mom saying no to it. Will most of the time. Also I can choice what cloths I do want and don’t want. I love the fact that I will turn sixteen soon. Then I can get my permit to. I love my parent can somewhat trust be home alone without having to call every few hours to make sure the house isn’t one fire and that I’m still alone. I love how I’m treated more like an adult now. That I can make my own decisions and not feel guilty about them, even if my parents don’t agree with my decisions. I’m my own person now and I can be who I want to be and not have people treat be badly because I’m different from them. I won’t let them. That’s why I love my life.
9/20-9/24 Past
Like any normal kid I was trying to learn to ride a bike. However I was very slow learn with it. I was so afraid to fall of my bike and get hurt. My mom was always trying teaching me to ride. I think my dad try to help me once in a while. I gave up many times. But every time I saw my sisters riding their bikes made me want to learn again. Of course after falling of many times I eventually learn how to ride a bike. I was very happy about it. But unfortunately I never learn how to know there is something wrong with my breaks. So about year later I was going down are street and the street has a little hill bump in it. My friend was watching me go down the hill. When I started to go down the hill a car was backing out of a driveway. I tried to stop but I couldn’t. The car stops right on sidewalk for some reason and I end up kinda hitting it. There was no damage to car, the bike, or myself. I was very lucky nothing bad didn’t happen. I learn from these experience is to never give up on a project you’re working on no matter how hard or painful it is. Also before taking you bike out for a spin make sure everything is working fine. Or you might end up getting hit by a car or hitting a car.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
9/20-9/24 Future
I’m very unsure about my future. I have no really plan just a basic outline. I know I want a job that makes lots money yet I also enjoy. I want to see the world. Travel to tons of different places. I know I will go to college for sure and hopefully be studying something I enjoy. I want a family a husband and adopted children. But not the minute I’m out of college. I don’t plan one bearing my own children while there are tons of kids in the world who don’t have any parents or relatives. Also this will make sure that my family crazy gene won’t be passed down to my child. I might want to adopt one or two girls. If my husband wants a son he better home one of our girls is tom boy. I think I would like to stay in a cool place. I won’t enjoy moving to very hot place like Florida, unless there is air condition in the house. I don’t want to live in a big city went I get older. It would be fun but all the noise would get annoying. I also don’t want to live in the middle of nowhere either. I might want live in a big town that’s has plenty things to do in it. I don’t plan on planning all these things based on my husband wants. We would have to make things work. As long were both happy in the end it matters.
9/20-9/24 Present
I love in life how I have more freedom now than I did when I was younger. I like that I don’t have to follow my mom around the mall like a loss little puppy. I can go to the stories I like and not have to go to store that I dislike. I love all the things that are going on in my world. Like the new music some artists are creating like Lady Gaga and Eminem and how there different from other artist. I also love how know in school I have a choice in what subjects I can take now. I can take extra classes that are fun to me. I love how now I can wear what I want to wear without my mom saying no to it. Will most of the time. Also I can choice what cloths I do want and don’t want. I love the fact that I will turn sixteen soon. Then I can get my permit to. I love my parent can somewhat trust be home alone without having to call every few hours to make sure the house isn’t one fire and that I’m still alone. I love how I’m treated more like an adult now. That I can make my own decisions and not feel guilty about them, even if my parents don’t agree with my decisions. I’m my own person now and I can be who I want to be and not have people treat be badly because I’m different from them. I won’t let them. That’s why I love my life.
9/20-9/24 Past
Like any normal kid I was trying to learn to ride a bike. However I was very slow learn with it. I was so afraid to fall of my bike and get hurt. My mom was always trying teaching me to ride. I think my dad try to help me once in a while. I gave up many times. But every time I saw my sisters riding their bikes made me want to learn again. Of course after falling of many times I eventually learn how to ride a bike. I was very happy about it. But unfortunately I never learn how to know there is something wrong with my breaks. So about year later I was going down are street and the street has a little hill bump in it. My friend was watching me go down the hill. When I started to go down the hill a car was backing out of a driveway. I tried to stop but I couldn’t. The car stops right on sidewalk for some reason and I end up kinda hitting it. There was no damage to car, the bike, or myself. I was very lucky nothing bad didn’t happen. I learn from these experience is to never give up on a project you’re working on no matter how hard or painful it is. Also before taking you bike out for a spin make sure everything is working fine. Or you might end up getting hit by a car or hitting a car.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
9/13- 9/17 blog 3
This picture is very interesting to me. This picture can mean a lot of things to different people. To me this picture makes me think of a long life and phases that the person or thing went through. Because the first vase is show thick and solid like brand new. Just like a child. Then the second vase is a little lighter than the first. It makes me think it’s still kind of new yet it has more experience like teen. The third vase is lighter than the first two. Like it reaches the age of adult hood and the reason it so wear down is because of all the work it had to do to get there. Then the flower standing without a vase mean it has reached its limits and can’t keep going. Then the flower that is lying down on the shelve symbolize the death of it. To be this artwork shows the phase of lives.
9/13- 9/17 blog 2
I can’t believe it. I lost my spots, my lovely beautiful spots. I took them off so when I played in the mud outside then they wouldn’t get dirty. Now I don’t know where they are. I put them on my bed that is next to my master bed. Did he take them? No he would never do that to me. Would he? Then I notice my bed look like it was move. I quickly begin to try to sniff them down. I have to find them before my master gets home. No one should know are spots can be remove from us. If they did knew they would probably rearrange them in some stupid way. I slowly walked around them room trying find them then I felt something fall on my back. I look up and there on the celling were my spots. How in the world did they get up there? I take my master slipper and threw it as hard as I can at the celling and by one spot at time they fell back on my little furry body. I hear the door open as my master called my name. I went running towards him. He asks if I had a rough day like he did. I thought how he had no idea.
9/13-9/17 blog 1
It is all around me. There is no escape no recuse boat no nothing. Trapped on this nightmare boat that keeps me floating across these endless seas. I always ask myself. Will I ever get home? Will I see my mother again? Does she even miss me? As I slowly continue drift on the sea looking for sign of life, yet there was nothing insight. This boat reminds me so much of the boat that took my father away. Did he feel like this? This horrible darkness eating at his inner soul until the only thing left for him to do is to die. I hope not. He should have never me took away from me. They had to draft him. Do these people ever think anything about the people there taken these men away from. They should take men who don’t have a family waiting at home praying and hoping for that door to open. Then I saw it, an island that was few miles away from me. There my father stood waving and yelling my name. I tried to make the boat go in that direction but it wouldn’t. There my father stood with a sad reaction on his face as I drift away from him. It reminds me the same look I had on my face when he left that day. BAM I jump up from my bed as I look around. I walk up towards the entry way. There man in uniform stand. He says he has news about my father. As my mother read the letter her expression seems un- readable. Then she looks at me. Then she final told me what has happen to my father.
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