Respect. Many people have many definitions for it. I guess respect to me is. Treating people who you truly despise nicely is a sign of respect. Then I guess I have a lot of respect to others I guess. Then a again respect can go so far before I’m completely piss off and end up ripping someones head off. Respect shouldn’t be abused if you tried to use it against me you will be in hospital faster than you can say BAM. So respect comes in many different shapes and forms in my opinion. One form is when you’re talking to a teacher you should give them your respect; even if you hate them and their pure evil. Also trying to give your classmates respect is a good idea. You can have them as a partner on a project and you treated them like crap for the past few years. Your partnership might not work. Then you will fail misery on the project because the two of you couldn’t get along for even a minute. So respect can be a big help to you if you give it to other people. Respect can help you a lot in the long run. So maybe if you truly despise someone just try to be polite and respectful. You don’t have to be friends with them at all. Just be on good turns. And it might come back and help you. However you treat them badly it can come back and haunt you and your grade.
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