Nate Zobrest 1. He loves to look at himself in the mirror and strike weird poses.
2. He secretly wants to be a ballerina.
3. He has a lucky pair of pink underwear.
4. After he read twilight he decided to try and jump out of his bedroom window and on to a tree. (he failed)
5. He loves to skip around and filed and sings songs from the Sounds of Music.
6. He is going rule the world one day with his army of polar bears. (he has it all figure out)
7. He wants to dye his hair the colors of the rainbow all in order
8. He was greatly disturbed when the cat poster went missing.
9. He really wants to have lunch with Brain Stoldt. (It’s true go to his blog)
10. The last thing is all classes that Mr. Currin has taught him especially online publishing are NOT the best classes every.