Many people believe that if you have a reading disorder you can’t amount to anything in life, which is a very untrue statement. There are many people who have reading disorder and they are able to accomplish many things in their lives. One person who struggle with dyslexia is Jay leno. When he was in school he mostly got C’s and D’s. He wanted to attend Emerson College in Boston the admissions officer told him he was not qualified. He was determined to get in to the college. He sat out in a waiting room for 12 hours each day for five days a week until they let him in the college. He believes that his dyslexia help him become the determined, strong person he is today. Another person who has dyslexia is Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise comes from a poor family. His family moved a lot when he was growing up. He has a reading disorder just like his mother has. When he wasn’t successful in academics, he focused his attention on playing sports. Unfortunately he suffered from a knee injury. When he was in high school he was in a few plays. His mother encouraged him to be an actor and with his mother’s support he focused his energy on being an actor. He didn’t let his dyslexia stop him from becoming an amazing actor he is today. Another person who has Dyslexia is Whoopi Goldberg. When she was growing up she was picked on a lot. Many of the kids called her dumb, when she wasn’t. She didn’t know she had a reading disorder until she was an adult. She learned how to cope with it and went on with her life to become a successful American entertainer. Another famous person is Pablo Picasso. Even with his disorder it was quite obvious he had talent for art. Picasso painted things as he saw them out of order backwards and upside down. Despite the struggles each of them had to deal with during their lives they were able to become successful for they all had special talents. They didn’t let their reading disorder hold them back from becoming who they wanted to be.
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