This choice blog is going stay as a choice blog. I’m not going stay with same topic every week. This will be my last blog of 2011. My next blog will be written in 2012, you know if we don’t die. Well I guess I should go over my year. It was good year; I do wish I have more things to do more outside of school and such. I guess I should talk about resolution I should make but I don’t want make resolution just because the New Year is coming up. It is proven facts about 75 percent of the people don’t stick with their resolution and I take my goals seriously so I don’t want to forget about them after few weeks. I guess my first goal is get out house some more. It does get very boring being home 24/7. I guess that is my biggest goal of the moment. My second goal is also important one to me. I want figure out what I want career to I want to have for the rest of my life. I don’t want be that person who choices a career and end up not liking it. I’m taking an accounting class next year and if I don’t enjoy it I have to figure out a new career. A third goal for me is to get a job. I don’t just want a job so I can go out and buy of tons of stupid stuff. I want it so I can start saving for my college. Will I’ll put most of money away and keep a little out for me to buy something; I am after all just a person. Yet I don’t want the job to take over my life. I hope I will have job by next New Year’s or there is something really wrong with me. Will see you all next year endless the world blows up!!!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
h group 3 time travel??
If I could time travel to any period of time and with little twist what crazy adventures will I have. First off I will travel back to when dinosaur exist. I will take some equipment with me obviously. When I get there I will get on a harmless plant eater dinosaur and just ride it around like I’m the queen of the world. Then I will travel to 1800 to London, why so I can try and figure out who Jack the Ripper was and why did he do the things he has done? I was always slightly curious of whom he was and since he killed so many people without getting caught. It’s one of the biggest cases of time that still isn’t solved. Seriously image me running around London dealing with this crazy doctor guy who is killing all these woman. I believe I’ll make a very fun crime investigator. Also another time is at Bunker Hill when the shot heard around the world was fired and started the revolution for America. Another mystery we always wonder who fired the first shot the British or the patriots. I think it be awesome to learn all these mysterious events that happen. Of course once I solve all mysterious that I want solve I use my magic time machine that I apparently that Mr.Currin gave me to and come tell everyone one what I’ve had learn. Of course something bad will happen to time machine and I won’t be able to fix it and then I will never be able to prove my historical events and then they will probably send me to some nut house place. Where I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to fix the time machine and prove I did the things I have done.
Monday, December 19, 2011
h group 2. Lions, tigers and bear oh my!!
Will I’m not sure what I would really do to create world peace. If everything was perfect that would make everything so boring and uninteresting. Will if I can do one thing to make this word better is help the tigers, polar bears, and other poor animals that are endanger of extinction. It isn’t their fault that their species may be terminated. It us human fault that we don’t think about anything other than ourselves and how we can make us better than everyone else. Some of us our too distracted by looking in the mirror and see how beautiful they look with dead tiger skin wrap around them. In all honestly that just shows their inner self. How they can care less about animals and they only care how people can see them with this so rare tiger skin. I’m not saying hunting is wrong or anything I’m just saying it is wrong if we are overly doing it so much to point that our own grandchildren maybe never see a tiger or polar bear. We do still have time left to change the damage we have cause. Those animals may never recover from all the damage we have already caused. This isn’t just all about hunting either this is also about us going in and destroying these animals homes and forcing them to keep moving up to point there may not be anywhere else for them and their cute little babies cubs can go. Will even though there are organizations out their trying to help and save these animals they need a lot more help than they have right now. It is time to stop caring nonstop about what we want and about what others need. Will I hope this at least courage’s one person to do . 
h blog 1. WHO??????
I was honor to interview one of our own people from the newspaper Devyn Woelfle. It was very interesting interview. The reason why is because after first few questions I realize I’m interviewing my exact opposite. Sure we both agree how awesome the TV show Awkward is and few other little things we agree on but that’s about it. Instead of asking the boring what are you favorite color questions mine questions are slightly more unique.
SP: Do you like cats or dogs and why?
DW: I like both but cats a little more because they are easier to take care of.
SP: What is your favorite cookie?
DW: Sugar cookies.
SP: Are you going to college? If so what are you majoring in?
DW: Yes I’m going Damen College. I’m going major in being physician assistant.
SP: Do you like high school?
DW: Not at all.
SP: What is your favorite subject?
DW: Science.
SP: What is your favorite season?
DW: Late fall.
SP: If you could be any animals what will you be?
DW: A bird so I can fly.
SP: If you can travel anywhere in the world where would it be?
DW: Australia because it so different.
SP: If you can have any super power what would it be?
DW: Invisible so I can get away with more stuff.
SP: What is your favorite store?
DW: Buckle.
SP: Do you like Mr.Currin?
DW: Yes he one my favorite teachers.
SP: Do you like to read?
DW: No I lose interest in it fast.
SP: What’s your favorite class right now?
DW: Online Publishing.
SP: So you have any after school actives?
DW: No
SP: Do you wear your name tag at the newspaper?
DW: No.
They’re you go the inner workings of Devyn Woelfle. Also may I add that her favorite color is color of what she has said. That’s how you do interview.
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