If I could time travel to any period of time and with little twist what crazy adventures will I have. First off I will travel back to when dinosaur exist. I will take some equipment with me obviously. When I get there I will get on a harmless plant eater dinosaur and just ride it around like I’m the queen of the world. Then I will travel to 1800 to London, why so I can try and figure out who Jack the Ripper was and why did he do the things he has done? I was always slightly curious of whom he was and since he killed so many people without getting caught. It’s one of the biggest cases of time that still isn’t solved. Seriously image me running around London dealing with this crazy doctor guy who is killing all these woman. I believe I’ll make a very fun crime investigator. Also another time is at Bunker Hill when the shot heard around the world was fired and started the revolution for America. Another mystery we always wonder who fired the first shot the British or the patriots. I think it be awesome to learn all these mysterious events that happen. Of course once I solve all mysterious that I want solve I use my magic time machine that I apparently that Mr.Currin gave me to and come tell everyone one what I’ve had learn. Of course something bad will happen to time machine and I won’t be able to fix it and then I will never be able to prove my historical events and then they will probably send me to some nut house place. Where I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to fix the time machine and prove I did the things I have done.
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