I am very happy about my decision to take Online Publishing this year. I love this class so much last year. It was my favorite class year and this year. I know some people don’t like it and I can’t seem to understand why a person can hate such a wonderful class. This is one of the few classes that will let you express yourself as a person. The only other class I ever had that let me do that was creative writing. I also like how we can express ourselves in any way we want as long it is school appropriate. I also like that I’m not being lecture at the whole time during the class. I hate sitting and listening to a teacher talk the whole time. After a while I will begin to zone out on them. Another thing that I like about this class is that we can talk to each other to certain point. I like how I can work on my blog and talk to Katie at the same time without getting yelled at by some teacher. I like that I can get my work done on time and then have some free time in the end. I usually get my blogs and article done the day before it is actually due. I don’t really feel that much stress for this class which is great since I have other classes to worry about. I hate feeling like I’m not doing a good job in a class. That makes me feel ten times more stress and makes me upset. This is one of my all-time favorite classes. I wish I can take it again next year but it won’t feel the same when Katie is gone. It was amazing two years Mr. Currin and I will miss everyone in this class.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Ultimate Top Moments s group 2
My top five moments in Online Publishing. This is going to be difficult for me just to choose only five. We have some very expressive people in this class so we never have a boring minute in here. These moments won’t be in any specific order since it will be too hard to rank them. My first moment that comes to mind is when we were videotaping the commercial for the news. I can just remember very one staring at Brian as he tries to get his lines right. Another favorite moment is any time someone has every tried to challenge Mr. Currin and they end up throwing insults at one another. Those are also very enjoyable. I also remember one time when Katie and I were discussing what we should write for choice blogs and I told her she should write about me. Katie took it very seriously and wrote a whole entire stalker blog about me. Only thing I remember is laughing so hard that my lungs were to burst. Then I decide to return a favor and write a stalker one about her. Another memory is when Amber hide Mr. Currin little doll thing under his chair and left him a ransom note of some sort. I can see it in my head of how Mr. Currin eyebrows came together in compete confusion. I guess my last final top five moments in Online Publishing is going to be something that just happened a few seconds ago. That would be Mr. Currin telling Katie that he didn’t like the blog name for her blog about Mr. Currin. The blog was name the “The next Kesha”. For anyone is confuse at too why Mr. Currin was called this is because one time someone point out to him he had glitter on his face and Katie ask if he just got done partying with Kesha. This is an awesome class to make all these memories in and I am going to really miss it next year.
Can we make it better? s group 1
In my personal opinion there really isn’t much to change in making Online Publishing a better class. I do have very few complaints about this class but here they are. I don’t like waiting till we have only six days to find out that we have a project. I like to know in advance about projects so I can make sure I can space out my time and everything. I believe last year Mr. Currin did tell us about the project in advance. Also this might actually shock many of the students. Most of them didn’t have this class last year. At least I knew it was coming but they didn’t and some of them may freak out just a little. Another thing I think we can improve about this class is too make sure that all the deadlines are clear as day especially for the articles. I think some students get really confuse over the dates and end up not having there articles handed in on time. I personally don’t have a problem with the dates but some people in here seem to really struggle with it. Another thing that could be change is to try and add more active parts to this class. Each day we sit a computer and type. I think it would be more fun to participate in a few actives that the whole class has to do. Like each month everyone gets together in a circle and discuss their favorite article or blog. I can’t help but too notice some students are more active in speaking up to Mr. Currin and too other students then other are. Beside all that I believe this is a very amazing class and I am very happy that I decide to take it again for second year in a roll.
Mr. Currin is really Harry Potter r group 3
Mr. Currin is kind of a big deal...true or false... I know we all give Mr. Currin some grief about many things about his life. Yet we all know deep down in our hearts that he is in fact a big deal and were all just trying not letting him know this just yet. We are afraid that his ego might grow a little too much if he ever knew the truth. However I don’t have him next year so I don’t care. Ha good luck next year online publishing students. I know many people are wondering as to what makes Mr. Currin such a big deal and why some of the students are so threaten by it. I can pretty much bet that at least one student will say a negative comment about Mr. Currin. The sad ugly truth is that they just want to be exactly like him. What makes Mr. Currin such a big deal is his awesomeness. He always has a witty comeback to anyone in this class. It is rare to have a student trip him up once in a while. He also makes the funniest senior editor jokes that I ever heard in my life. Mr. Currin is also very memorable for his classic punishments that started with Nate Bailey and ended with Mike Steffan. The editor probation is one the most interesting punishments ever. Not only is it extremely effective but it lets everyone know who is in charge. That is why so many people try to deny Mr. Currin is a big deal. They know they can never follow in the great all powerful Mr. Currin footsteps. One day many years from now I’m pretty sure people are going to be looking back at Mr. Currin wishing that they had his life.
I just love writing. Werid....nah r group 2
There are many aspects of writing that I love. I love how I can create a whole new world in these stories. That I can fly high in the skies with no gravity to keep me down. That I can change what is around me just by using words. That nothing will ever stay still for a second in these writing. Another thing that I love about writing is that I can change someone’s mind on certain topic. What they hate isn’t something that they should despise. That there are more options in this life then what we can see. That another person lifestyle isn’t a sin it just different from what your use too. I also like how if there something that I don’t like in my writing that I can change it. I like how I can express myself in a way that no one else could. For an example no one is writing the word for word the same thing as me, endless they copy it. Another reason why I like to write is that I can let my emotions go and no one can read what I wrote. That I can put what I really feel down on piece of paper without fear that I’m going be judge. That there is an invisible weight lifted on my shoulders. I do enjoy writing blogs like these but there is a limit in what I can say on here. Yet when I write in my notebook I can feel as if I am invincible and no one can hurt me. That’s why I love to write. What you can’t say in this world you can say in your own perfect little world. As long as I’m proud with my writing I’m happy. No one can take that away from you.
School almost done....YES!! r group 1
The best part of the end of the year is that everyone is getting so excited and discussing their plans for the summer. It reminds me of how the beginning of the year everyone was so cheerful. That did die down a little during the winter time but now it is back up. I’m very relief that I finally almost done with this year. This wasn’t a very difficult year. I had some ups and downs yet I made everything work in the end. I did struggle with chemistry but Mrs. Geck was able to get me right back on track. I’m just happy that I’m passing everything with high grades. Another thing I’m actually glad about is that we finally get to take our exams. I don’t like dragging things out especially when comes to exams. I want to take them and forget about them as quickly as possible. Another thing that is so great about the end of the year is that we are doing fun actives in class instead of just sitting around bored and doing nothing. I also like how the weather is really nice out and I can swim in my brand new pool. Instead of waiting outside in the miserable cold trying to get warm that I can actually enjoy myself as the bus comes to pick me up. I also like how people are talking about their plans for the future. It is very interesting what some of the seniors have planned to do. I guess it gives us lower classman some hope that we will get to go out in the world and make something of themselves. There are many things I love at the end of the year. There is however many other things I don’t like the end of year to.
Friday, May 11, 2012
q 5 group choice prom again....no
I was going to talk more about the prom and how great it was but I decide against it. I have a feeling that everyone in the class is going be talking about it. I guess I’m just going have to talk about my new awesome pool that was put in over the weekend. It is huge and I just love it. I can’t wait till summer comes. Not only have we had air conditioning now we have a pool to top it off. It is like a dream come true. At least I will have something to do this summer. Another thing that happens this past weekend is that we have these cute bunnies that keep hanging around our house. There are three of them. But only two of them dare to get really close to us. My mom is extremely worried that are dogs might to get them and eat them. They were originally raise by are neighbors but are neighbors got bored with them so they release them. I think that is a little sick. I mean you raise an animal to depend on humans and knows very little about the actual outdoors. Then when you decide you don’t want them anymore you let them free. I am afraid that something might get them. My mom is going to call the ASPCA see if there is some safe place to go and release them. My dad keeps telling me he is going to kill and eat them. I don’t find that funny at all. We have plenty of food in our house no reason to go out and kill a little innocent bunny. One bunny is completely brown and the other two are both white with black spots all over them. I just want to pick up one and hug it.
q group 3 Best Book EVER
The best book I ever read in English was The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. How can you not love it? It has everything you can possible want in a book. It has drama when Prim name is drawn at the reaping. It also has romance between Peeta and Katniss. I like how in book Katniss has a good amount of flashbacks to give us a better understanding who she is. I won’t give any specific examples accept the one flashback back when her father got trapped in coal mines. That was extremely important what she had gone through. I love the way they show her relationship between her and her mother. It shows us why she can’t trust or depend on other people. I can relate to that feeling of being afraid that if you trust someone to much that they might betray you or they won’t be there for you. It also has some very gory parts in it. The reason why I like it because it didn’t glaze over the gory parts of the book. I hate it when authors try to do that. Why pretend that everything isn’t as bad as it seems? Another reason why I like it so much was because the ending was all happily ever after. Sometime it is ok to have that kind of ending but not always. We as humans know nothing is ever going be hundred percent perfect. I love the suspense if Katniss was going to win the games or not. I couldn’t imagine being thrown in an arena and having to defend myself against 23 other people who want me dead. I hope are society will never turn into something like this. If so I hope we are strong and brave enough to stand up and fight against it.
q group 2 summer
I wish I had more plans for summer. So far I only have a few ideas of what I doing during summer. I will be doing a tennis program during the summer to try and help improve my skills for tennis team next fall. I did it last summer and it was really fun. I will also be doing some of my drive lessons during the summer. That isn’t going to be as fun but I might get my license near the end of June. I have four more classes and then the road test. I hope I pass the first time so I won’t have to worry about it anymore. I’m also going to be visiting my best friend Katelyn during the summer. She is moving back up here during summer so we can finally start hanging out again. My family is getting a nice brand new pool but in our backyard. I can’t wait to play in it after my tennis lessons. Now that is going be really fun. Unfortunately I’m going to have sinuses surgery during the summer. It is a quick in and out time of surgery. I have to do it during summer because I’m not sure how great I’m going feel after it. I don’t think I will be in very much pain. I’m also hoping I can work a little bit more at my job during the summer, since I won’t have to worry about school work. However I don’t think that is going to happen since it has been slow at my job lately. Those are pretty much my plans for summer. Obviously I will be adding more to the list as the summer comes closer. I hope this summer will be my summer before I start senior year. I can’t believe I’m going be a senior next year.
q group 1 choice again prom
For my choice blog I am going to discuss a very important topic that is on everyone’s mind. That topic is prom. It is lessen then 7 or 8 hours away now. I can’t wait until the assembly is over then go out to eat with my friends and head home to get ready for prom. My first block class is almost over and done with. Now I just have ocean class next, then the assembly. I hope my second block class just doesn’t drag on. I accidently forgot my t-shirt supplies for the project I’m suppose to be working on it today. I’m really mad at myself since I had it all prepare and on the table. I just don’t feel like dealing with a teacher today who is going to get on my case. This is the first time I forgot something for her class so I don’t think I deserve to be yell at or anything similar to that. I doubt anyone is going to be paying any really attention to the packet and the project. Everyone is going to be discussing what they are wearing, who they are going with and what they are doing after the prom is over. I can’t wait to see my dress with my hair all done up nice. I think I’m going to look fabulous. I do feel bad for the people who are not as excite for prom anymore because of some of their friends are on their case or something similar like that. I hate it when people ruin something like prom just because they can. I would never try to ruin someone’s prom on purpose. We all paid money to get in. We all put tons of time in to it. I think it is time to leave the pity arguments outside the door for once.
q group 4 BE YOURSELF!!!
My favorite pop icon is Lady Gaga. I know a lot of people are probably thinking this is a very typical choice, which it is. I don’t just like Lady Gaga because of her fashion or music. I like that she isn’t afraid of standing up in what she believes in. Despite the fact that many people try to tear her down for what she believes in. I’m proud she refuses to change herself just to make everyone else happy. I wish more people aren’t afraid to be who they are. Think of how different the world would be if everyone was who they really are. I’m pretty sure not everyone would stay the same; in fact I’m will to bet on it. I don’t understand the point of people trying to shove their own personal believes down someone else throat. Lady Gaga does support gay rights yet she doesn’t go around yelling or freaking out on people that they have to. I also like the fact that she doesn’t mind people who don’t have the same beliefs as her. Another reason why I like her is because she isn’t afraid to wear the weirdest stuff a person has ever seen. Each time I look at a magazine she is on the worse dress list. First off if it makes her happy and it’s not hurting anyone else who cares. Second off some of the celebrities who are on the best dress list aren’t wearing anything that is amazing either. Every time I look at them I feel like there most of been a mix up at the magazine. Plus how many of us regular people would wear what the stars where? I believe Lady Gaga has earned her icon title. She didn’t marry anyone or kill a person. She got it because she is just being herself.
Friday, April 27, 2012
p group 1 TV
It depends on which day I’m watching TV. Some days its zero while other days it’s like 7 hours. My guess on average I watch 4 hours. I watch many different shows. One of them is Biggest Loser; I do not love this season so far. I also watch Snapped, Switch at Birth and Awkward. I have a wide range of different shows. We have six TVs in our house, one in each bedroom so that’s four, then the one TV in living room and one down stairs in basement. I guess some of positives is it keeps me busy and entertain. Another positive thing is that it does help people to deal with things that are going thought at that moment. It helps a person to feel better about them and that they are not alone. Like if your boyfriend just broke up with you and you feel like you will never get over it. Then you watch this episode where a girl just like you got her heartbroken too. Another positive is that TV does help us gain knowledge, but not all of it is positive. For example seeing someone shooting up heroin the right way may not be a good thing to know. Some of the negatives about TV they are that we get so into it we forget about the other things we have to do, like homework and chores. Another negative about TV is that it encourages stupid stunts. My sister was watching this show were these people try to attempt these stunts and they were getting seriously hurt. One guy got his face planted into the ground. It amazes me after seeing one person getting hurt by a stunt that another person wants to go out and do the exactly same stunt. This is when some people need serious dose of common sense.
p group 2 goals
Some of goals from beginning of year have been accomplish so far and others have not. I have accomplished staying on the honor roll all year round. But unfortunately I didn’t accomplish getting straight A’s in my classes. I came very close. My last report card all A’s except for chemistry and that was 89, SO CLOSE. Will there is still one last marking period left if I can get straight A’s on this last one then maybe I can put this in the win section. I still can’t decide on my future job since I haven’t token the accounting class yet. I have to wait for next year to see if I like that. I really hope I do or I am going be in so much trouble. Another goal of mine was to write more outside of school. I have been writing a little bit more but not a whole lot. I’ve been mostly writing poetry since that’s what I’m best at. So 2 out of my 3 goals have been completed. That’s very good considering most people give up before the task is over. I feel very accomplished right now. I do have a new list of goals I want to accomplish by time senior year is over. I do want get higher in my class ranks I hope to be in top 30 percent when I leave here from Alden. Another goal of mine is too move up to being a waitress at my job. Why because I will get more money and more hours. I have to wait until I’m 18 because then I can serve alcohol. Then I can work there throughout college and it so close to home I won’t to have waste tons of money on gas. Too bad I won’t have this class next year so I can’t tell people if these goals are accomplished or not.
p group 3
I think that ranking can be a very ineffective way of looking at teachers. The teachers can’t make a kid learn no matter how hard they tried. In all my classes I have I notice that some students no matter what the punishment is they still don’t try. Also there are teachers out there who really are bad teachers. I have some teachers who couldn’t teach me if their lives dependent on it. I know one teacher whose will not be name had about 15 kids fail their exam. That’s a lot of kids. In my personal opinion it can go either way. It could be the teacher fault or it can be the students fault. I think the teacher shouldn’t be held responsible if a student doesn’t decide to do their homework. I believe that teachers should be rank but if they do poorly in the ranking that the school should look deeper into the reason why the teacher was rank so poorly. To see if it really was the teachers fault for the poor ranking or is it because they have a bunch of lazy students who aren’t willing to put the effort forward. This is a very difficult thing to decide on. I know teachers don’t want to be blame for a student who hasn’t tried at all. Yet again a student parents doesn’t want to hear that it’s their child fault that their doing so badly. I think some parents need to learn that their children aren’t little perfect angles at school. I know some parents who if their child is doing badly they immediately blame the teacher or a child blames the teacher so they won’t get in trouble. It is unfair to blame teacher immediately without any proof. I think we should find a new system to take all of these things into consideration.
p group 4 choice again
Today I had a lovely chemistry test to study for today. I spent not only yesterday during advisement studying but also last night and today’s advisement. I’m not feeling that I did such a great job. I do feel slightly better that I’m not the only one who did a not so great job. I feel so excited that I get to go to the mall after school today. My mother and I were going to go Monday but the weather was just too horrible to be going anywhere. Then yesterday the weather yet again wasn’t shopping weather. I’m hope I can find something I want at the Mckinley Mall. This mall has way more stores and more stuff then the Eastern Hills Mall. I can’t believe I have only 30 something more days left of school before it’s over. Today in Chemistry Lab we were talking about it. The fact that there is a good chance we may never see at least half of the people in our grade again. Not saying that such a horrible thing but it feels so unrealistic. I remember being a freshman and thinking this is going be such a long time here. Now looking back it seems time has just flew by me. Next year were going be seniors. I feel like I’m still too young to even be considered a senior. Then I’ll be going to college. I don’t think college will be that bad despite the price. I mean people have been talking about scholarships since beginning of year and what school has to offer. I feel like I’m so far behind I can never catch up. Hopefully that feeling will past during the summer. If not then senior year is going to be a very stressful year for me then.
p group 5 choice
Katie I love your single clap after Mr. Currin Speech. Also Amber B. is my hero of the day. With moving the Brian S. sign to a different locker was classic. That just made my day. I got my chemistry test back today the only good news is it is around the class average. I can’t wait to go home. I love this class and all but it is Friday. I just want to go home at this point. Then even when I do get home I will still have to go to work at 5:30. I don’t hate working. It is fun to work and earn money. Then after I get home I finally get too see my dad who I haven’t seen in two weeks. He has been gone on a business trip down south. He is only going be home for a week and then he will be leaving again. I don’t have a lot of homework this weekend. I have some math homework like usual. Then some chemistry but it isn’t that hard. I finish all my English homework except the message board post I have to do today. I don’t have anything to do this weekend that I know of except my driving lesson. I am starting to get annoy by Rudy. It is rude to go around spreading rumors about people. It really hurts people by claiming that they are pregnant when they aren’t. I mean were all in high school it is time to grow up just a little. I am happy that we have 7 days till prom. I hope it is as fun as everyone say it is. Today we had play softball in the snow. We were all freezing and Mr. Carll finally gave in and let us go in and play on Xbox.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
o grpup 3 JUNIORS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I admit has been very good day. Not only has it gone bye really fast but now we only have 2 days till spring break. I can’t wait for spring break. My mom and I are going shopping this Friday because she has the day off too. We still need find a big enough purse for prom. That’s basically what left I need for prom. I’m so happy prom is only 55 dollars. I don’t understand why some people keep saying how expensive it is. A few years ago it was 85 dollars we should be happy it’s only 55 dollars. What would you rather have a cheap 20 dollar prom in the gym or at Salvatore’s with more expensive price tag. My older sister who went to pioneer had all her proms in the gym and it wasn’t fun at all. So either choose to go or not that’s your choose. A sensible person may have not drops tons money on extra stuff like a limo or dress. It amazes be when a girl who got 300 dollar dress complain about the price for prom. Oh my god. Mr. Currin just announces we are going change seats. The only reason why I get my work done at somewhat good quality is because of Katie. With her gone my grades will drop faster than a nuclear bomb. 20 minutes later. Mr. Currin let me still sit next to Katie. Thank your Mr. Currin for keeping us together because if you didn’t these last few months will be hell and since I’m going to have you next year I would of made it hell too. It feels weird to sit back in our old corner that we use to seat in last year. I miss last year class a lot but I like this year class. Oh and junior class rocks!!!!
o group 2 college yes or no???????????
College I admit isn’t for everyone but there are other programs that people can take to get an education on something they want to do. I know that many people are considering not going to college because of the cost and everything. I do however believe they will regret that after becoming and adult and living off of minimum wage. I also know these kids who plan on going to these colleges that cost a lot. I think that is a really big mistake unless you got some amazing scholarship or your parents can afford it. So many young adults leave college deep in debt and with no way to pay it off. I think we all have some idea what we can afford for college and what we can’t. As hard as it is some people may want to consider taking a job while there in college, as unpleasant that sounds things could be so much worst. I plan on going to community college for first two years. Why, because that is what my parents can afford. I have no problem with that. I think it is a little silly to be a shame of going to community college. I mean think of these kids who go some expensive school they can’t afford and have to be constantly stress about the money. I hope all the seniors at this school have enough common sense when going to college and what career they should chose. I understand some people wish to go to school for art and music but you have to realize that those aren’t in high demand. What is worse leaving college with tons of debt and can’t get a job because you pick a bad career or leaving college with tons of debt with a career where you can get a job instantly.
o group I disagree
The article I read is from http://www.cnn.com/2012/04/05/justice/connecticut-death-penalty-vote/index.html?hpt=ju_c1. I am so shock that I haven’t heard of this before. My dad likes to watch the news so I usually pretty updated all the time. I think throwing out the death penalty will be one of the biggest mistakes this state can make. The jails are filling up with rapist, killers, and drug dealers. Now we are going keep these people alive because it is wrong to kill them. No what isn’t right was these people who go out and take an innocent life from this world. Not only that they ruin the friends and families lives as well. How would you feel if your brother, mother, or daughter was killed and they let the person walk after serving 20 years in prison. We have the best prisons here in this country. Seriously are these people even being punish anymore? They get a roof over their head and food, to me that doesn’t sound like punishment at all. Now after 20 years in jail they will go out and destroy someone else futures. Guess what the people who are lucky enough to survive being rape or being shot are traumatize for rest of their lives. They can’t eat, sleep, or even work. All they can think about is if it will happen again. This person life is ruin and it is miracle too me that people like Elizabeth Smart can get their lives back together. Not everyone is strong as her, also what about that year of her life that she will never get back. No amount of money, jewelry or attention can give her that time back. Why should another mother have cry at night not knowing where her child is? Why should another criminal get to sit in jail for few years and go back out their again? Remember Connecticut senate when another guy walks away from prison the chance of him ruining someone else life.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
n group 4 my interview
Who is Zach Miner some people may ask? Some people just look at him as the dude who Mr.Currin likes yell at a lot. But beneath the surface there is much more to Zach Miner then meets the eye. I was lucky enough to get to interview him. My first question to him was what do you plan on doing for your future career. Miner says he plans on being NFL analysis or doing something with medicine. The next question to him was do you want to go to college, if so where? He said that he plans to go to Ohio State because it has great tradition and it’s my favorite college. We also talk about what his favorite activity to do. He said his favorite active to do is playing football with his family or just hanging out with his family. We then discuss what his favorite subject is. He said he likes global because it’s interesting learning about the past. The last question I asked Miner had a very interesting response to it. I asked Miner who his best friend was. He then proceeds to look around the room till his eyes landed on Austin Hopcia and then he asked Hopcia if he was his best friend. Austin responded with a yeah. When I asked why and all Miner had to say was I don’t know. Know I all hope that instead of looking at Miner as the troubling maker kid in Online Publishing you look at him and realize he is a regular person just like you and me. Now I all hope that everyone in this class will try and make an attempt to know Miner all on your own. I believe it will be worth you while to try and befriend Miner. You never know what could happen.
Monday, March 26, 2012
n group 2 EGGS
I absolutely adore spring. One of reason is the weather usually isn’t too hot or cold. During winter we try to fight of frostbite and during summer we try not to die from being overheated. I love the beautiful flowers that bloom. I love seeing the different colors, sizes and shapes. I wish my family grew different types of flowers so we can pick them and put them in a vase in our kitchen. Another reason why I love spring so much is because Easter is in it. Now who doesn’t love Easter? I love the hiding of the eggs (my favorite part), eating the candy, forcing the bunny ears on my dogs, and then having that wonderful week of from school that we all deserve. I love the week off during Easter. I already have things plan for this break, which in my case is very rare. I guess some of the things I dislike about spring are the allergies. I don’t really have any but my mother does and all she does is a cry and complain about them. That always annoys me to death. My family usually doesn’t do extreme amounts of spring cleaning, but it still a pain to have someone ride you about cleaning your room or something like that. There isn’t that much I dislike about spring. I have to say spring is tie for first in being one my favorite seasons. Spring is tie to fall; the reason why I love them both is because they are similar in many ways. Both have candy involve, and the weather is great. I may like fall just a little more because this year the way the weather is going this year’s spring is going to be just like summer. Thankfully we have air conditioning so we won’t die.
n group 3 my job
I work at MaGavin's for just a little over a month now. I am a busgirl and I actually enjoy my job because it gives me something to do and helps me earn some money. Most people my age are either complaining about their job or they are desperately looking for a job. That’s why I like the job I have right now. If I can have any choice at where I would work it would be a writer in huge apartment complex in the city or a really fancy office that is very comfortable. I mean if I have to be inspired to create works that will intrigue people. I wouldn’t be able to do that if I’m not intrigued myself. But of course reality has to set in and I have to pick a career that is in demand, pays good and something I like. That’s why I’m thinking about going into accounting. I love dealing with math that involves money and I’m good at math so it should be a good career for me. It also is in very high demand and pays very well. I don’t enjoy boring math where you just learn something just so you can pass the exam. I hope my future job I will be happy wherever I end up because I just see too many people that are just plain miserable in the jobs they have right now. I remember how my oldest sister acted back when she work at Tops. She wasn’t very happy when she came home from work or even going to work. Lucky she has move on to bigger and better things. Even though I do like my jobs at MaGavin's I don’t plan on staying there forever. Hopefully I will move on to bigger and better things to.
n group 4 killers shouldn't walk
I highly doubt that Trayvon Martin death was an accident. This was racial profiling and we all know it. A guy just gets shot for walking home after going to the store real quick. Seriously how did this look at all suspicious? The guy was wearing a hoodie and carrying a bag of skittles. What was the shooter thinking? Also his family and friends who keep trying to defend him saying it wasn’t his fault. I’m like seriously grow up and tell the truth. If your child was randomly shoot walking home I pretty sure you would like some justice for your child. Will guess what this family deserves justice too. They just lost one of their beloved family members and yet the guy still walks free. I hope the police will nail this guy so hard that he will never walk free again. I wouldn’t want some guy who is so trigger happy walking around my neighborhood. I feel not only this guy should be in jail just for killing a child but for the fact he might kill another innocent child yet again. I hope the jury in this case unlike Casey Anthony won’t let another child killer walk free. It’s bad enough we have Casey Anthony walking around free when it’s kind of obvious she was guilty but if we let George Zimmerman walk free too are justice system has official fail us. We already have to live in fear each and every day knowing people like this room the streets. We deserve to feel safe in our own homes and neighborhoods. I’m honestly afraid enough as it is knowing how each and every day a criminal walks after killing someone. In my personal belief if someone kills another person they shouldn’t be allowed to walk just after few years in jail. Life in jail or death penalty should be the only choices for killers.
Friday, March 9, 2012
m group 4 just dance
Since I have nothing else to do for my choice blog I will just talk about what happen to me this week. Last weekend was the dance. I have to say out all the dances this one takes the cake. One reason for this conclusion was the glow sticks. I am a little kid at heart and I just love glow sticks. Another reason why I like the dance was the photo-booth was free. I mean we already have to pay $10 dollars to get in no one really wants to spend any more money. I also like fact that we didn’t run out of drinks since we didn’t have the tickets for this dance. Since homecoming when they did run out drink and I was dying of thirst it didn’t make the dance enjoyable. The last thing I enjoy about the dance was that all the money went to a very good cause. I mean how often we donate to such a good cause. We ended up donating $ 2,100 to the donor place. I think the dance was a really big success and I hope we have on just as fun next year. Also when I got home after the dance the Alice in Wonderland was playing on TV. The one with the real girl and was made like 3 years ago. Even though it was based on the original Alice in Wonderland I adore this movie. It had so many twists in it and it was very exciting. I usually don’t care for remakes of stuff since the original is usually the best, but in this case the new movie was just as good as the old movie. Whoever director that movie should of directed The Hunger Games movies. For I find it very sad that I can spot three mistakes in one commercial.
m group 3 STOP LAUGHING!!!!
I trying think of the most embarrassing moment of my life. I think I just had so many of those moments I can’t think of my number one most embarrassing moment. It must have been so horrible I might have just block it out completely. Will I guess I will go with the most embarrassing that I can remember right now. Back when I lived in Arcade in our old house my sisters, mother and I were in the computer room. It was where the computer was and the kids’ living room connects into it. We have this exercise ball and I being a nine year old I sat on it begin to bounce on it. My sisters and mom weren’t paying attention to me and I was happily just bouncing up and down on the ball. Will I started to get higher of the ball and then without any warning the ball flew right from underneath me and flew across the room and I was midair. Then I landing hard on ground and let out this whaling sound and screaming “that was not funny”. I was so mad at my sisters and my mom for laughing at me. My sister even mocks me by coping the sound I make and what I said. Now every time they are thinking of funny memories they always think of this specific memory and plus a few others. Don’t worry thought I have plenty of embarrassing moments on them so it all evens out in the end. I still don’t think this is my most embarrasses moment because I’m almost hundred percent positive something else happen that was way worse. But for the life of me I cannot think of it right now. Will for now this is my most embarrassing moment of my life.
m group 2 THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Driving while texting is one the most stupid thing I think a person could ever do. My sister does it all the time and I always feel so scared while she was driving and texting at the same time. People act like it’s no big deal even if they hear all the statistics, seen all the pictures and the films. People just don’t think it could happen to them. Will guess what that same person thought the same thing when they decided to text and drive. Then guess what happens next they get in car accident, an accident happens that could cost you your ability to walk or even your life. Even though I think no one is going care about the statistics I’m still going to list them anyone. •2,600 traffic deaths are caused each year by drivers using cell phones. •570,000 accidents leading to minor and serious injuries are caused each year by cell phone distractions. Don’t forget if you cause the accident while texting it is your fault in the court of law. If a person gets injured because of their reckless behavior it could end up costing you not only money but years of your life in jail. In my personal opinion I will want to kick some ones (beep) to Florida and back if they crash into me and I get seriously injured over it. Even if I wasn’t seriously injured I’ll still be mad because they could have killed me because of their mistake. I will feel no pity for that person when their butt is thrown in jail for next 15 years of their life. It was their choice to text and they know the cost to their actions. I believe people should start taking this issue a little more seriously before they kill someone.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
m group 1 I am not Irish
I am not Irish. If I am it’s like 0.1 percent then. When I ask my mother last night what special things we do for Saint Patrick's Day she thought I was trying to work an angle and get something out of Saint Patrick's Day. My response was no I trying to write a blog that has to be 300 words on Saint Patrick's Day and our traditions. She looked at me right in eye and told me to lie. I found that really funny. She then told me we only make some special dinner for Saint Patrick's Day and that was about it. The food we make is corn beef and sauerkraut. I believe my dad cooks this dinner mostly by himself like he does on Christmas and Thanksgiving. I guess that’s another tradition is that we make my dad do the hard cooking on holidays like Saint Patrick's Day. When I was little I always thought I was supposed to get chocolate and stuff. I was always disappointed. Oh another tradition I guess everyone in this country does including my family is to dress in green. One year in 7th grade I had green shirt on that almost had blue tint to it and green necklace and our social studies teacher would go around saying you were green you’re not. Then he reaches me I was like I’m wearing green necklace because he thought my shirt was more of turquoise color. Then he told everyone else in class they just failed. From then on I felts the pressure to wear green on Saint Patrick's Day and my family always wear green on Saint Patrick's Day because if they didn’t we would always try to pinch each other as hard as we possibly could. My dad was the worst one to be pinch by.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
L group 4 WARNING!!!!!!!
I feel for this choice blog I am going to talk about how important advisement's are. Why am I discussing this topic a person may wonder? It is same reason why I am doing my blogs at home. One reason is that I'm giving up three advisement's that I don't want to give up. One for wellness day, junior meeting, and quidditch match. I don't mind the quidditch match but the other two I do mine. I have a test and essay this week that I need to get done. I like to study with the teacher right before the test. Which is now impossible because of the quidditch match and I can't stay after school Thursday and advisement isn't option anymore. My only hope is that I study well enough on my own to reach the grade I desire. The essay I want check by the teacher and make sure I accomplish all the task she ask from me. I have it check twice already so I feel I can sacrifice it being check again by the teacher and go and study for my test. I just feel that it is unfair to have our time taken away and was not warned about it. I knew about the wellness day and the match but I wasn't warned about the junior meeting. It is making me feel more nervous but I just got to work out my problems. The main point of this little story is to warn us before hand about our time be taken away. Now with that little rant is over I can talk about how excited I am about February break coming up. I just need a little time away from school and being sick these last few days hasn't help that feeling at all. I just hope I am completely better by time break comes around. If I'm not I won't be very happy about it.
l group 3 Seriously?
Things that I despise in life. Since it is Valentine's day I feel I much mention that I truly despise people who complain that they don't have boyfriend or girlfriend. I believe the people should accept that fact and just move on. Do you really need boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy on Valentine's day? I'm happy and I'm single this just prove it's the way your mind is set. Another thing that I really hate is when people can't do the most simplest thing you ask from them. Then you have to consently tell them over and over again. When a person reaches a certain age they should be able to listen and complete the task that you ask from them. I guess another thing I'm hating on right now is the homework excuse. What we had homework? I didn't understand. The list continues on like that for a while. I mean it is a little ridiculous when hand full of people where the only ones who did their homework. I mean were all in High School now. I know once in a while there is something on the homework that you don't understand but please just attempt it. For I am tired of hearing the teachers have to go through the whole speech about were going to be entering college soon and the professor won't accept it. I heard this speech back to back these last two days. If I can understand that a teacher is assigning us homework I believe everyone should understand this. Also it is very sad that a student is complaining about how people are not doing their homework. I usually don't care endless I am partner with that person or if we get the homework speech. Those are top things I'm hating on right now. There is gobs of more things I dot hate yet I feel these are top most aggravating ones at the moment.
Monday, February 13, 2012
L group 2 Fears fade away
What am I afraid of? The first thing that comes to mind is spiders. I hate them and I will never like them. I still can’t kill some spiders because they are just so gross and scary looking I don’t want to get anywhere near them. I guess another fear of mine is failing in school. I mean if I get one bad grade I’m not going think my world is going to end. It just put more pressure on me to do better. I’m just afraid that I will be trapped in school forever failing grade after grade. I guess I mostly out grown that fear. I guess another thing I would be afraid of is being backstabbed by one of my friends. I mean I not so beyond obsess that everyone my friends’ conversation is about me and how horrible I am. I just afraid since I see people in this school who have been best friends since they were little are now trashing talking about one another behind each other backs. I mean who hasn’t heard someone bashing at least one of their friends. If I find out if one my friends are trash talking about me I would be piss and would never trust them again. I guess another fear is disappointing my parents. This use to be one my big fears when I was little but that has faded away a lot since I’ve grown up. I mean no one really wants to make their parents mad or upset, of course just looking back at my sisters, especial one certain sister of mine. I could never disappoint my parents as bad as she did, so that’s probably why I out grew that fear realizing I’m completely safe because of my older siblings mistakes. Will that is my greatest fears; hope you enjoy them why I don’t know.
L group 1. My Super Bowl Sunday
This year my birthday party was on Super Bowl Sunday. I spent that day at Paradise Island with three friends of mine we played mini golf and tons of arcade games. Then after all that we came home and just eat like there was no tomorrow. We did play a mean round of mini golf of course were going to be hungry. Then of course we played a fun slightly friendly game of Yahtzee while we watch Monster Inc. Yes, we are that mature thank you very much. Of course once when everyone was gone I took one look at the TV that was playing the Super Bowl then I decide it wasn’t worth my time. Then I just headed down to my bedroom and watch TV and go on my laptop. Then for some strange reason my mom thought for a moment that I actual care about the Super Bowl and sent me a text that the Giants won with a smile face. My first thought who cares and my second thought was when did my mom learn how to do the smile face? That is how I spent my Super Bowl Sunday. Next Super Bowl Sunday I probably won’t watch it again. It is like my special little tradition. I don’t get why Super Bowl is so amazing. First off you can’t see the guys’ faces because they are cover up by the helmet. I guess safety does become before looks, which is kind of surprising since we live in country that is all about looks. I guess this was my favorite Super Bowl Sunday just for the fact that I actually did something besides go on my laptop and text. Maybe next year I might do something else just so I don’t get stuck being bored all day long.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
k group 4 Fly or fall anyone is better then staying here
My whole life they told me I would just be like them. No matter what I would do or think I would be exactly like them. I want to fly away from here and be myself. Not another clone of one of them. I know I am supposed to be one person and that’s me. No matter what the situation is I should never compromise my morals or beliefs not for anyone. If they are willing to sit there and judge my dreams in goals and life they won’t be a part of my life any longer. I dream of flying so high in the sky. I want to feel the wind whip against my cheeks and no longer be trapped to the ground. I will be different from them. I am willing to take the chance and try my hardest. If I end up falling in the end I will still be proud of myself. I can’t help but wonder when I finally pull myself away from their world. Why can’t they be happy for me? I wanted more in this life then just to be the same as everyone else. The day has arrived in the beginning of a new day. I can feel it in my body. I slowly start to pull away, away from them and this life. I feel my body slowly fall away from this life and heading to a new one. With one last final tug I was free. I can’t believe it I’m finally flying. I head towards the doors to my freedom. They were open just for me. As I take one last look at the lonely life I once lived I knew they can’t hurt me anymore. They made me do this, to leave and to start a new life. I know I will hold no regrets but I can’t help but wonder if they would.
k group stop being afarid
They say in this world you are never safe. No matter where you are, even if you’re at school, home, or even in your bed. They say they will get you. Running is useless and their twice as fast. Begging for mercy is pointless. In this world where these monsters have no limits to what they can do or what they want to do. What can you do in world where you never know when the tragic will strike at any time? No one knows what to do. Until the monsters have gone too far. The boy who was no older than eight, he had his whole life ahead of him. Until one person just one decided to take it away. Many wonder was it accident or did he just didn’t care. That he didn’t once think about those who he may harm because of his choices. He didn’t have to go; he didn’t have to leave the party. He could of just crash on the sofa for night. No HE decided he wanted to go home and no one would stop him. He jump in his car and just left. No one knows what became of him until they saw his face on the news the very next day. He was arrested for not only drinking and driving but also for killing a person. His car went out of control and went off the road and onto the sidewalk. Dylan was walking home from school so happy to show his parents the A he got on the test that day. His parents will never see that bright beautiful smile again or see him safely sleeping in his bed. It’s over. No more sitting down and being attack like this for no reason what so ever. It is time to fight back.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
k group 2. No one is safe.
A man a very strange man had a very strange son. The son claim that these monster are after him for the government has sent them to kill him. Why you may ask. His father was part of a human experiment back when he was just a child. The experiment was successful, of course after the many fail attempts. His father was consider a fail attempt. Anyone who was deemed unsuccessful was to be destroyed immediately. His father was heard the stories and knew sooner or later he would be next. He did the only thing he could do to get out of place where the only way to leave is in a body bag. He had abilities that no one else know about even the scientist didn’t know. He can stop his heart only for few minutes. More than 5 minutes he would die. This chance can either give him his freedom or death. He remembers laying down that day in his bed pretending he was passed away. He can hear voices all around them. A minute is gone. He can feel his body being lift from the bed and put on cart with others who were decease. 2 minutes have gone by. He feels car being push down the long hallways heading towards the burial ground, which in reality is whole ground with piles of bodies in it. 3 minutes are gone. He finally felt the last body put on cart. Now they finally on last leg of journey, the doors open and feel his body falling down deep dark whole. 4 minutes have gone by. He opens his eyes and finally start to breathe again. He is out and safe. His father went out in world feeling he has no reason be afraid anymore. He was wrong. He didn’t know they will find out he was alive or fact he has son with same abilities as him but more. Their back with intent to kill and this time no survivors will be left behind. Father is gone the son is alone. Fighting back these demons who won’t leave until he is dead.
Monday, January 30, 2012
geoup k 1. Can you see?
The father and son are starring out to sea at the boat. Will it at least it looks like that to me. I’m sure many psychologists can tell you all the different meaning behind this picture but even though I have official graduate psychology I have no idea what this picture means. Maybe they both lose someone extremely important and this is where they will go with that person. Now with that person out of their lives, they only have each other. Then the light can symbolize that their hope to see one and another again is still going strong. The man is holding the lantern and there isn’t any other light as bright as the one the man is holding. Another meaning this picture could represent is the fact it is just way to dark out and they need a light. It could also be that the person of the light tower is not available and they both rush to get a light to guide the ship to safety. If they fail then the ship would crash and sink and then the man and the boy would be on the run. Of course they find a light and safely guide the ship to port. Then the town would be so happy they will give them all they want. Then they will go and attack the light tower guy for not being there to guide the boat. This picture and take on so many meaning for other people. A father who has a son will have a completely different view on the picture then I do. Also if a little boy would to see it he might think that their just looking at the ship. Will out of my three explanations above I believe the second one is the best guess.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
choice j group 4
Since technology is too stupid to save my blogs I have rewrite two of them and I really don’t feel like it so he it goes. I had amazing day full of candy and unicorns. It feels like I’m not even in school. It also feels like it is Friday and not Thursday. Great day today is feels like I can just go and jump of and building and fly. By I don’t have wings so that will not work out very well. I wonder what it is like to fly in airplane is it very scary like some people say or is it fun. I really don’t want to go throw airport security and have people poking me and touching me. I’ll just do the x-ray choice, isn’t that just great. Now I have at least I have 150 words left now. I just got done with my schedule. My next year won’t be easy but who honestly cares. I pick what I want to and now I’m just going deal with it. I’m not going list out the classes or anything like that because I don’t feel like getting that paper out right now. I just want to go home and not stay after school today for my 2 club meetings. I hate the fact I have two clubs meeting on same day every lovely Thursday. I have great idea I believe each president of the club over the summer gets together and talk about which day they want so there won’t be any annoying clashing with each other clubs and then you can go to more clubs. My nails are black I don’t know what color I’ll do them for snowball. I am wearing pink dress I don’t like but my sister throws a fit like 5 year old to get it and now I have wear it too something.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
No teacher K-5 j group 3
Since I have already wrote about my favorite teacher K-5 I’m going use this as a choice blog. I’m going write about my fun Chemistry and Psychology test back to back last two day. Psychology exam wasn’t as hard as I image it was going to be. I’m not sure if it was because I study like nuts or if he made it super easy. I study over two hours the night before. Then I study every chance I got during the day. I feel as if I did extremely well on it but I couldn’t think about it that much since I had to study for my Chemistry test. Again another brutal test even Mrs. Geck said this was a very hard test. I lucky pass with a good grade in my opinion since tons of people weren’t doing that great. Now with both test are done with I can relax for now. I’m also very excited to stat Sociology since I got a friend in that class ---------- > her name is Katie Herter. It’s always good to have friends in classes where they do tons of activities. I don’t know how different these two classes will be from each other but I believe Sociology is going be similar to a unit we have done in Psychology. I hope it will be just as interesting. Now I probably going to have to start getting prepare for Chemistry exam considering Chemistry can be difficult at some point. I know it is very early to start thinking about this exam but it is one of two exams I have to take and it is on the last day of regent’s week. I believe this is very cruel since there is an extreme amount of material to cover and giving us a week off before the exam is going hurt most of us then help us. Who is going study during summer week?
bands j group 2
It feels as if I have already writing about my favorite band or musicians before. I guess have to write about it a second time. I have multiple bands that I love Flyleaf, Skillet, Nickelback, Three Door Down, Three Days grace, Evanescence, Linkin Park, Avril Lavigne, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and this list can go on forever. I like a certain type of music depending on the mood I am in, like I said before in my blogs. I like to listen to Flyleaf when I’m not in good mood, skillet same things but sometimes they’re not always so hard core and Nickelback when I need to be lift up. Katy Perry and Lady Gaga usually put me in fun happy mood. Avril Lavigne music can go either way. There is one genre I’m not big fan of his country music, the only artist that I like that is kind of country is Taylor Swift. I don’t like all her songs I like certain ones. For example is “Better than Revenge” is probably one my favorite songs out of all of them. I sometimes feel a little bipolar when I have two YouTube’s up and one is Lady Gaga and the other is Skillet. That just shows how different my personality can be at times. I can’t just favorite musician or band for I never like all of their songs. I have like this one song by an artist and that was it and didn’t like any other songs that they have created. That seems like that happens to me a lot. I guess I can be very picky at what I like and what I don’t like. I personal believe no one has one all-time favorite band or musicians that they like always and forever. Do you still like music you listen too few years ago?
Will you be my hero group j 1
A hero is willing to throw everything away even their own life just to protect a person that they don’t even know. I’m not sure exactly who in my life my hero is. I love my parents but they’re not my hero and same with my siblings. I have had amazing teachers in the past and present but they are not exactly my hero their just people who I have respect for. I guess my hero would be those people who do out their life on line without receiving a paycheck in the end. I know that police officers and FBI are good people who try helping others but they are train for this kind of situations and they know what they are doing. But when an ordinary person gets involve in situation involves someone else’s life that is on the line and they only have that split section decision to either help that person or flee and they choose to help without thinking about themselves first. That is what makes a hero. I guess my hero is those ordinary people who are on the news for doing extraordinary things. I see people fight another person who has gun just so they can protect an innocent life from being taken away. I guess that in my personal opinion what heroes do. I know there are many different levels of being a hero. I guess the level I’m describing is the highest level of hero that is known. Being hero can be also classified by helping someone by donating food or clothes. That may be as heroic as the other hero but in the end of the day they are hero to that person they help out. I guess I know many people who are heroes just for doing simple things like that every day.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
My break i group 4
My break wasn’t that exciting. The highlight of my break besides Christmas Eve and day was going to the mall and Dave n Buster. I ate and played tons of different games it was really fun. Then after that was finish I went shopping around the mall. Unfortunately Easter Hills Mall doesn’t have a Hottopic. Which kind of stinks since Hottopic is having these amazing sales going on. All the other stores in the mall had like a million sales going on, yet there wasn’t anything I wanted or need. When I got to Claire’s they had their own little sale going on. I got pair knee high socks, earring, necklaces, and few more other things. The number one thing that I just love that I got at the store was a pair of gloves that look like foxes with blue eyes. They were also apart sale, I got them dirt cheap! Then after the mall we went to Michaels and I got a package of shoelaces. One pair is blue, completely glitter and shinning. The other pair is light blue with glitter strands tied in it. I love them so much. Then I looked in their scrapbook section and they finally had tennis stickers. I was like finally because I’ve been wanted some for my scrapbook. I though both items were on sale but some people don’t know how to put signs in correct place so the stickers weren’t on sale but the shoe laces were. I was cool with that since I really wanted them and plus everything else I got that day was on sale. That is what I did over break. It was I really fun day, I which I had a lot more days like that during the break. I hope my February break is just as fun if not more fun and exciting.
Monday, January 9, 2012
I'm bigger creep. i group 4
The day where everything in my life up to this point had no meaning to it, until I met Katie Herter. I remember that day very clearly and is still best day on my life. The second happiest moment of my life is when she accepted my friends request on Facebook. When she uses a special app on Facebook to see how many different people have visit her Facebook it says 1 under my name. For I stay on her Facebook page day and night no matter what. If the internet every goes out I scream in despair. Once I finally got her I gave her all she wanted. To go to all those metal concerts she so wanted go to and she will love it so much she will take me to Paris and New York City, which not only she does but she also proposal to me in New York City on my birthday. Even though I am under age we run of together on a fluffy pink pony with are cat and we will head to one place where they will allow us to get marry, Las Vegas. There we get marry by Marilyn Monroe impersonator that will marry us. I wore a dress that look very similar to Princess Diana, which is light baby blue color. While Katie also wears a dress which is hot pink. Also Creamsicle will be wearing a little crown so she won’t feel left out at all. Then of course when we go to cut the cake Katie’s favorite lead singer will pop out and will start singing her favorite song on earth. This will be the most romantic moments in history so romantic not only where there be tons of books written on it but also tons of movies starting us. Then we can live happily and rich together till day we die.
<------ Thats us.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
My list of stuff to do before I kick the bucket. i group 2
My Bucket list
1). Travel the world to places like Spain and Paris.
2). Find someone who loves me for me.
3).Go out in the world and have tons of adventure.
I want to see how other cultures diff er from ours. I mostly want to go to Paris and see the lights, to see if all the pictures and poetry about the place are true, if it really is the city of love. I want to find someone who loves me for me. I believe everyone has this dream of being loved by someone. I don’t plan on hopping on a plane and running off with a guy in a heartbeat. I still want that feeling of being that someone who means so much to person that they will fight for me no matter what. I know that day will come in time for everyone, even me. I want to see the world. I don’t love living in such a small town where there is nothing to do for a good period of time. I would travel to all the different states and see how they differ from us in New York. I love New York, just not the small town of Alden. I believe that the first place I’m going to travel to will be New York City. Not only is it extremely close but it has many different styles and cultures mix in it as well. All the stores and entertainment have much more to offer. I hear so much about it and how close it is I wonder why I haven’t tried to go to New York City. I’m not sure if I would like living in such a big city with all the noise and expensiveness. It will be my first place to go and start my adventure once high school is done with.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
My crazy ideas for future!!! group I 1
For my New Year’s Revolution I want to figure out what I want to go for in college. I have already have idea about what I want be and I plan on taking a class next year and see if I like it or not. The class is going accounting. I believe I would like accounting for I’m good dealing with money. I like to figure out how much I save and how long it takes me to save it. I am very afraid that accounting will turn out to be extremely boring as everyone else says. I also thought about maybe becoming chemical engineer. My dad keeps saying how these people are paid very well. I also do find chemistry very interesting. My dad talks about taking me to his work during the summer for a day so I can see how and what they do. I wish some jobs that I would probably enjoy more would pay more and be in bigger demand. I have some friends who want go to college for art but how many art jobs are there in the world? I’m just trying be realistic about my future. I just want job where I can somewhat enjoy doing it and make good money. Another Revolution is also to figure out what college I want to go to. I know for fact I’m going to ECC for first two years endless I get amazing scholarship to another college which I doubt will happen. I probably will go to University of Buffalo endless they don’t have the program I want to take. Those are my New Year’s Revolution. I hope when the next New Year’s come around I have this entire thing figure out, if I don’t I’m going be in some serious trouble since next year is my senior year.
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