What am I afraid of? The first thing that comes to mind is spiders. I hate them and I will never like them. I still can’t kill some spiders because they are just so gross and scary looking I don’t want to get anywhere near them. I guess another fear of mine is failing in school. I mean if I get one bad grade I’m not going think my world is going to end. It just put more pressure on me to do better. I’m just afraid that I will be trapped in school forever failing grade after grade. I guess I mostly out grown that fear. I guess another thing I would be afraid of is being backstabbed by one of my friends. I mean I not so beyond obsess that everyone my friends’ conversation is about me and how horrible I am. I just afraid since I see people in this school who have been best friends since they were little are now trashing talking about one another behind each other backs. I mean who hasn’t heard someone bashing at least one of their friends. If I find out if one my friends are trash talking about me I would be piss and would never trust them again. I guess another fear is disappointing my parents. This use to be one my big fears when I was little but that has faded away a lot since I’ve grown up. I mean no one really wants to make their parents mad or upset, of course just looking back at my sisters, especial one certain sister of mine. I could never disappoint my parents as bad as she did, so that’s probably why I out grew that fear realizing I’m completely safe because of my older siblings mistakes. Will that is my greatest fears; hope you enjoy them why I don’t know.
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