This choice blog is going stay as a choice blog. I’m not going stay with same topic every week. This will be my last blog of 2011. My next blog will be written in 2012, you know if we don’t die. Well I guess I should go over my year. It was good year; I do wish I have more things to do more outside of school and such. I guess I should talk about resolution I should make but I don’t want make resolution just because the New Year is coming up. It is proven facts about 75 percent of the people don’t stick with their resolution and I take my goals seriously so I don’t want to forget about them after few weeks. I guess my first goal is get out house some more. It does get very boring being home 24/7. I guess that is my biggest goal of the moment. My second goal is also important one to me. I want figure out what I want career to I want to have for the rest of my life. I don’t want be that person who choices a career and end up not liking it. I’m taking an accounting class next year and if I don’t enjoy it I have to figure out a new career. A third goal for me is to get a job. I don’t just want a job so I can go out and buy of tons of stupid stuff. I want it so I can start saving for my college. Will I’ll put most of money away and keep a little out for me to buy something; I am after all just a person. Yet I don’t want the job to take over my life. I hope I will have job by next New Year’s or there is something really wrong with me. Will see you all next year endless the world blows up!!!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
h group 3 time travel??
If I could time travel to any period of time and with little twist what crazy adventures will I have. First off I will travel back to when dinosaur exist. I will take some equipment with me obviously. When I get there I will get on a harmless plant eater dinosaur and just ride it around like I’m the queen of the world. Then I will travel to 1800 to London, why so I can try and figure out who Jack the Ripper was and why did he do the things he has done? I was always slightly curious of whom he was and since he killed so many people without getting caught. It’s one of the biggest cases of time that still isn’t solved. Seriously image me running around London dealing with this crazy doctor guy who is killing all these woman. I believe I’ll make a very fun crime investigator. Also another time is at Bunker Hill when the shot heard around the world was fired and started the revolution for America. Another mystery we always wonder who fired the first shot the British or the patriots. I think it be awesome to learn all these mysterious events that happen. Of course once I solve all mysterious that I want solve I use my magic time machine that I apparently that Mr.Currin gave me to and come tell everyone one what I’ve had learn. Of course something bad will happen to time machine and I won’t be able to fix it and then I will never be able to prove my historical events and then they will probably send me to some nut house place. Where I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to fix the time machine and prove I did the things I have done.
Monday, December 19, 2011
h group 2. Lions, tigers and bear oh my!!
Will I’m not sure what I would really do to create world peace. If everything was perfect that would make everything so boring and uninteresting. Will if I can do one thing to make this word better is help the tigers, polar bears, and other poor animals that are endanger of extinction. It isn’t their fault that their species may be terminated. It us human fault that we don’t think about anything other than ourselves and how we can make us better than everyone else. Some of us our too distracted by looking in the mirror and see how beautiful they look with dead tiger skin wrap around them. In all honestly that just shows their inner self. How they can care less about animals and they only care how people can see them with this so rare tiger skin. I’m not saying hunting is wrong or anything I’m just saying it is wrong if we are overly doing it so much to point that our own grandchildren maybe never see a tiger or polar bear. We do still have time left to change the damage we have cause. Those animals may never recover from all the damage we have already caused. This isn’t just all about hunting either this is also about us going in and destroying these animals homes and forcing them to keep moving up to point there may not be anywhere else for them and their cute little babies cubs can go. Will even though there are organizations out their trying to help and save these animals they need a lot more help than they have right now. It is time to stop caring nonstop about what we want and about what others need. Will I hope this at least courage’s one person to do . 
h blog 1. WHO??????
I was honor to interview one of our own people from the newspaper Devyn Woelfle. It was very interesting interview. The reason why is because after first few questions I realize I’m interviewing my exact opposite. Sure we both agree how awesome the TV show Awkward is and few other little things we agree on but that’s about it. Instead of asking the boring what are you favorite color questions mine questions are slightly more unique.
SP: Do you like cats or dogs and why?
DW: I like both but cats a little more because they are easier to take care of.
SP: What is your favorite cookie?
DW: Sugar cookies.
SP: Are you going to college? If so what are you majoring in?
DW: Yes I’m going Damen College. I’m going major in being physician assistant.
SP: Do you like high school?
DW: Not at all.
SP: What is your favorite subject?
DW: Science.
SP: What is your favorite season?
DW: Late fall.
SP: If you could be any animals what will you be?
DW: A bird so I can fly.
SP: If you can travel anywhere in the world where would it be?
DW: Australia because it so different.
SP: If you can have any super power what would it be?
DW: Invisible so I can get away with more stuff.
SP: What is your favorite store?
DW: Buckle.
SP: Do you like Mr.Currin?
DW: Yes he one my favorite teachers.
SP: Do you like to read?
DW: No I lose interest in it fast.
SP: What’s your favorite class right now?
DW: Online Publishing.
SP: So you have any after school actives?
DW: No
SP: Do you wear your name tag at the newspaper?
DW: No.
They’re you go the inner workings of Devyn Woelfle. Also may I add that her favorite color is color of what she has said. That’s how you do interview.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Time to buy!! g group 5
The most important thing about Christmas, the presents!! I guess getting all the shopping done is also very important to? I’m very happy that I got most of my Christmas presents done, way less stress on me. I think shopping at last minute is very silly move. Why is it a silly move? The reason it’s silly move because the week of Christmas that’s when all the stores jack up all the prices because they know some people will buy anything at any price. I’m only have few people left and I am going shopping after school today and tomorrow to hopefully get rest of the gifts. I am going me so mad if they things I want to get my sisters aren’t there. I’ve been ask my oldest sister two weeks ago to take me and now she finally taking me. I hope everything is there I want or least a good chunk of it is there. Then I will have to start the search for it all over it. That will not be fun because like I said in my last article I have a budget that can only bend so much. The things I found were a great deal for the people who I’m buying it for was there and I want them to be surprise on Christmas. Not just "oh I knew what you were going get me so it’s not that exciting now". I hate knowing what I’m going get but if I don’t tell my parents what I want they won’t get me something I need or like. Will I hope the gifts I get my sibling are there. I also hope my sisters like them. The second oldest sister is very picky sometimes and I hope that doesn’t cause any huge problems.
Black Thursday or Friday? g group 4
That day is coming BLACK FRIDAY!!! Well I guess its black Thursday and Friday? I usually don’t go to sales at all but this year a few certain stores that will not be named for certain reasons will have a great deals on stuff and my mom really wants to go to it, were just going to 2 stores. They are opening late on Thursday night. Were just going stay up late and go. I hope what I want is there; by the way the stuff I’m buying isn’t for me its gifts for Christmas. I wish I had little bit more money because there are some things for my sister I really want to get some certain things for her but I can’t really buy at this moment and plus I try to spend the same on each sister and so it would cause some serious problems if I spend way more money on one sister then the other. That would end very badly. My mom and I are going go when store when they open at 10. We going in 30 minutes later just so we won’t get trample to death or hit. I know there is great chance were not going to get all things when we get there. It won’t be such big lose for me. My mom on other hand might have kind of big lost. I just hope she gets the number 1 thing that is on her list. Also were going check online first before we go because internet has some awesome deals too. But some deals are only at the store. Which kind of stinks I don’t mind staying up late but my mom might have a problem with that. Well let just hope my first official black Friday sale will go very well. If it does we might go again next year.
I'm afarid to be senior!! g group 3
Ok back on college issue. It feels like everyone has every single step plan out and all these people have so many choices while I feel kind of stuck with mine. There’s nothing wrong with going to Community college for the first two years. But if I had more money or some great scholarships I won’t be very deep in debt when I get out of University of Buffalo. It felt like everyone had these really good questions, like going out state or not. I’m staying in state because it’s cheaper and I get to live at home for free. I mean I know how everyone feels about getting away from their parents and do what every they want but they got to remember that their going have to make own food, buy it, clean up and do their own laundry. I’m staying at home because it is going save me tons of money. Think about it you have pay for apartment or dorm, food, plates and more. When I graduate from college I will have enough to worry about debt from going to the college. Would I rather have 10,000 dollars or 20,000 dollars in debt? Seriously I would take 10,000 dollars. Plus so when I get a new job from college I don’t want juggle all these bills. My parents are willing to pay for first two years of community college which is way better than getting nothing. Then I transfer to another college that is still close to my home. I will only have worry about college bill and car obviously since I need a way to get to college. I will work during college actually I want job now so I can start saving right now. Then my debt won’t be so horribly bad, which would be great.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
College=Confusion?? g group 2
Yes the rant can stay alive for another 32 minutes. I am in better mood talk to Mrs.Laraba. I feel very old and time seems to move real fast. I haven’t seen her since I was in 8th grade middle school. I am junior in high school. Why does it feel not so long ago while it seems 8th grade was like forever? Oh well I know I am going miss, some teachers when I leave high school. I will visit probably first and second year of college and possibly visit when I graduate from college just to show I have made something of myself. I feel not excited for college. While everyone else is planning to leave their house and go to this big expensive college I am going stay here and do my first two years of college in ECC. I do think I am making the right choice by going To ECC first two years then go to University of Buffalo for last two years. That will save me tons of money and I won’t have waste money on horrible dorms or apartments. In Psychology yesterday some people were missing and so we talk to Mr.Cayea about college and gave us some good advice in my opinion. I mean like people who plan on going for music and art. He told them to do dual major and I think that’s a really good idea. Just because it is hard to find a job in those areas right away and if you plan on going to expensive college for it you will have a good amount of debt when you get out. Also if you can’t find a job right away you can drown in that debt. I don’t understand going to colleges that ask for lot money there is other colleges similar to it that can cost less.
Idk and Idc g group 1
Don’t know what to write about and kind of don’t care. I have nothing to do in this class for my blogs are done and my article can’t be done till I interview Mrs.Weisbeck. I cannot do anything else. So I’m going all these blogs that I writing about how bored I am. I can do a lot more proactive things other than get a head in my blogs again!!!! I am already ahead by two weeks with my other blogs and these blogs are going be four weeks ahead. At this rate all my blogs will be done by January and have nothing left to do in the class. I do not like to comment on other peoples blogs especially since I can be very critical and sometimes their just so uninteresting to me. I can just keep writing on and on how I can have all my chemistry, math and PowerPoint done. I wanted Katie to read it too make sure there weren’t any spelling mistakes. Will I can continue this rant or I can stop but I won’t I can keep this up forever. I do have four other choice blogs so this rant can go up to those blogs and I won’t stop till I feel better. Do I feel better now……nope. The rant continues. I was having nice day. Sure it wasn’t perfect some people stand by door in chemistry and Mrs.Geck might never give us break time again. I don’t blame her. She has warned them like a million times. So it is out my hand but I would like to let you know I was sitting down and doing my homework and looking for my reference table, on to the next blogs. Well I hope you all enjoyed this lovely rant because I sure feel a lot better now. Plus atleast I won't have to worry about my blogs being late. I don't think I worried that much last year about them being late either.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Kitty journey. Choice f 5 group
I was going to write about how I have no idea what to write about my article but I thought of something. So I going write about this amazing journey the little kitten had in big city. So I hope you will enjoy this. The little pretty kitty who had no thought other than of whom here parents were. She dreams in her dreams they would speak sweet words to her and care for her when she was injured. She dreams these dreams for so long she began to realize these dreams are not going to come true if she stays here in these dark alleys dreaming these dreams. She heard of city where all kitties live, big and small all different types, all of them happy and loving. She wonder is her parents went there. The day they lost her, she hopes at least it was accident. She set out on her journey hoping these dreams would come true. The journey would be long and hard like all journeys are, if they aren’t who would read about them. She grabs her only companion a little rag piece of cloth, her only possession her blankie. She wraps it around her tail and head out into the big black night. The stars were shinning just for her. Too show her the way to the place she hopes to call home one day. The roads turn to dirt as she walks this all so very lonely road. She stops down the dirty, dusty road. In the road was a split. It turns into three different roads, each one slightly different. The question is which one too take? All these roads lead into a different direction that can lead her somewhere different. If she takes the wrong one it could lead to her dreams or death.
I wish for kitty!!!! f 4 group
If I had three wishes what will I wish for? My first wish would be to have millions of dollars. I’m not wishing all this money so I can brag to other people about it. It so I won’t have to worry about college fund and stuff like that. I do want to work so I won’t be bored all time. I mean traveling the world sounds fun and everything but I will it get lonely. My second wish would be to have in destroyable laptop that will not get any viruses and such. Why? I’m 16 and I have already went throw 2 laptops and on my 3 laptop. My first one was used and it just died with no warning. My second laptop died because my room is very unnaturally dusty and I tried my best to keep it clean but the too much dust got in and kill it. Now on my third laptop my sister bought me this thing that’s like a fan to keep the fan from laptop over working and taking in all that dust. I’m not really sure why my room is as dusty as it is but it sucks, especially when it kills your laptops that over 1 year old. I hate this house it’s a curse. My third wish would be so I won’t have sinus problems anymore. I wake up every morning with my nose plug and again it has something to do with my room. I got tons of allergies test done and nothing came back all negative. So I would love to be able to wake up and not be annoyed by my noise and unable to go back to sleep. These wishes aren’t world changing I know but they do change my world and make me a lot happier. Isn’t that what we want for me?
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Are you ready to ROCK!!!! f 3 group
I don’t just like one type of music genre. It mostly depends on my mood I’m in. If I’m very piss off then I would listen to metal and hardcore. If I am in happing mood I would listen to pop. I like most music except for country. There are few songs that are exception to the rule but I mostly don’t like it. In this school country seems to be the choice for most people. Right now I’m listening to Flyleaf- I’m so sick. I am not in very good mood today so that why I am listening to it right now. Usually just listening to any type of music would put me in a better mood. I don’t really care what genre it is as long as I like it. I hate it when a person says they hate the song without even listening to it, just because it’s rock. I do tell people I like all music except for most country but I’m still willing to try it to see if I like the song or not. I don’t like all rock just because its rock. I hate some bands and I love others. When I talk to people about their favorite genre in music and they say they hate the genre I love. I’m not going be judgmental about it. Sure I may try to convince them to give it another try. Just because you don’t like one song doesn’t mean you’re going not like all the others. Some people might be very surprise to give a genre a try and find out they really like some of the songs. So I’m very willing to try other types of music and I wish everyone has just a little more upon about listening to different types of music.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
I was hiding under your porch because I love you. ~dug from UP F2group
What are my top three favorite movies? This again is hard to decide between all the amazing movies out there. I guess in my top three UP is in there. UP was a very creative and original movie. I never saw anything like it before. The commercials for this movie were very misleading. I thought it was just some grumpy old man who hates people just wants to get away from everyone. I was very wrong. I highly recommend watching this movie. Dirty Dancing is another movie that I highly enjoyed. Not because of Patrick Swayze. I love the dance moves and the drama that was involved in this movie. They were a few parts of the movie that I couldn’t predict what was going to happen which makes me very happy. I hate that I can see what’s going happen next in each scene. I guess the last movie that would go in my top three is The Lovely Bones. I read the book and saw the movie. Usually the book is better than the movie. In this case I enjoyed the movie more than the book. The book has too much extra information in it and too much extra drama. The movie was very amazing. The movie cut out those extra parts from the book that I didn’t enjoy. You were able to see how everyone life was effect when Susie disappear. They were a few parts I wish that were included in the movie. Like how the killer became the way he did and why he did all these things. It is kind of explained in the book and not in the movie. I love all these movies and whole lot more. Of course some movies are too predictable for my taste but there still are ok movies.
I heart reading!!! F1 group
I love to read books. So it’s going be extremely difficult to pick one book. I guess one my favorites books is the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I read this book when I was in 8th grade. It was amazing book. This book is about dictatorship controlling parts of this empire. Each part of this empire was called district. There were 12 districts each control by the capital. Each year they held these games called the Hunger Games. Two people from each district a boy and a girl name would be drawn. They would go and fight in arena. The only way around this is if someone volunteers to take your place. This rarely happens. Children ages ranging from 12 to 18 are pulled. There can be only one winner. Twenty-four people go in the arena and only one comes out alive. The capital holds these games to show that there in charge. These games started when district 13 started a rebellion and the capital destroyed district 13. Then they started the Hunger Games as punishment to the other districts. If you win the games you’ll get riches beyond your imagination. In district 12 lives a girl name Katniss. Her father died in horrible mining accident. Katniss, her mother, sister lives in the poor side of town. Her family barely gets by each week. Katniss goes hunting to feed her family even though it’s illegal. A person who is caught hunting outside the fence area which they live they will be punished extremely. Once again the Hunger Games have started up. Everyone shows up to see the victims’ names that are pulled. Katniss stands their waiting like everyone else is only to see her sisters face on the screen, in panic Katniss runs up to stage taking her sisters place in arena. Now the only thing is left for Katniss is go into the arena and fight for her life. This book is one most interesting books I ever read.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Me time!!!!!! e group 3 choice
My choice blog is going be about how my Halloween is going so far. The first two blocks started out real ruff but I was able to pull throw like usual. Watching the costumes contest was very interesting. Even though I do disagree at who won what. But that of course is my personal opinion. I wore a cute white ribbon with smiling Jack-o'-lantern on it in my hair today and I wore an orange shirt. Chemistry class was really fun. Mrs. Geck did some cool experiments. My favorite one was when she filled up the potato chip can with pure nitrogen. Then it blew up and hit the ceiling. It made a very loud noise. The she gave us candy, which I liked every much. Now I’m in online publishing class. I’m quite disappointed that we have not received any candy of some sorts. But then again I probably won’t trust any candy that Mr. Currin gave me anyways. When I get home I get to eat a Halloween pudding cup I made. It has pudding then crushed Oreos on it. Then I put whip cream on it that is supposed to be a ghost, then I throw a few candy corns in each cup. Mr. Casillo just gave me a sucker, I really happy about that. I picked mystery flavor and I got cherry, I’m very happy about that!!! Thank you Mr. Casillo!! I hope I have good night tonight. I am going to watching movies and TV shows tonight on Halloween. Yesss Mr. Casillo gave me not one but two dums dums. Now I am really happy. Double thanks Mr. Casillo. It was also a cherry. Well that’s all I’m going be doing tonight. I wish I can hang out with my friends but they are going trick or treating. My bus driver gave me a blow pop sucker. YEESSSS!!!! Well this isn’t the worse Halloween yet. HaPpY HaLlOwEeN!!!
What traditions????? e group 2
My family doesn’t have any traditions for Thanksgiving beside the food. My family doesn’t like to do anything for the holidays that involve work. So I have no idea what to write about for this blog. I usually just stay in my room and out of my dads’ way when he is making the dinner. One year my dad was out of town so we couldn’t make our traditional dinner, we just got turkey subs. We still had the pumpkin pie. We always have pumpkin pie as a part of dinner as long as I can remember. It’s not homemade, it’s from the freezer. This year my dad is breaking that tradition and making me a really pumpkin pie. I have very high doubts that he is going to do it. If this pumpkin pie isn’t as good as the traditional pumpkin pie that’s ok, because we have a backup pie just in case. Traditionally my sisters usually fight or complain about doing the dishes since there is so many of them. It is also traditionally in my family for my sister and I to break the wish bone. Last year I think she won that. If you don’t know what the wish bone is. It is a bone form the turkey that is shape like a v. Then one person grabs one end while another person grabs the other. When it breaks who ever end is biggest their wish comes true. My dad usually has the pride on our TV even though no one watches it. Will there is the traditions my family does each and every year. Endless my dad is out of town, then its subs for dinner. I wish we had few more traditions but these are good for now I guess. It could be worse.
My fav hoilday!!!!!!! e group 1
My favorite holiday is Halloween and Christmas. I can’t just one because both are so great. The reason why I love Halloween so much is because I love to dress up as something I don’t wear on daily. Other actives I enjoy doing is carving pumpkins. I made a kitty this year. It is so adorable, like me. It is also fun dressing up the house. Unfortunately my mom doesn’t like Halloween so we haven’t dress up the house last few years. I plan on after Halloween buying tons of Halloween stuff for my room. Trick or Treating is fun but I remember when I was young I complain a lot how far some the houses were. The reasons why I love Christmas isn’t because I get tons of free stuff. Again I love to decorate the house and the tree. This year were going be putting on the glass bulbs. The reason why we’re putting them on this year is because are cat died, so she can’t knock down any of them. We haven’t had them out since I was three. Another reason why I love Christmas is because I love to bake tons of cookies in different shapes. I love to frost them and put sprinkles on. It makes them super cute. Believe it or not put I love to shop for my friends and family. But unlike some people I do not wait to last minute. I actual have already gotten some my friends gifts done already, which is big relief. I only have to buy gifts for my family. I don’t like to get some sister Sarah gifts because she usually complains about what I get her. That’s the only negative about this wonderful holiday. I hope when I’m older I can have much fun with these holidays as I did when I was a kid.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Insane or sane ahh I guess I'm in middle. group d 4
Choice blog, I’m stating this so you know its choice blog Mr. Currrin. I guess I write my funny, exciting, amazing, entertaining life. I don’t have tennis practice for the rest of the week. YES!!! I’m not sure why was still having practice since the season is over. Oh well out of my control. I watch the biggest loser last night. I really need stop cheering for favorite team because now their losing. I was working on my mole project. I am making rocker princess mole. By the way it’s a stuff animal I’m making it for chemistry class. Katie had these cool piercing yesterday. They were awesome but it looked painful. This Friday I am wearing purple. I am wearing purple because it show support to women who were once abuse. Yeah so everyone should wear purple Friday. I’m going purple bow in my hair, purple shirt and I’m going redo my nail purple. I really want to go home and sleep. I unfortunately can’t do that. I want to finish the project before Friday even though it’s due Tuesday. I just don’t want to wait to the last minute and try finding supplies at last second. I’m not sure how to describe this week so far. It doesn’t seem that long, but it also not extremely short. Lol some legit Shenanigans love Katie title, that is very legit title. Amber is doing something with a camera. I’m afraid and very concern. I am standing up right now. Why, I have no idea. I just want this week to end. I decide this week is just too long so it needs to end before I lose whatever small amount of sanity I have left. Now it’s dark in the room. Now Mr. Currin says we have to stop everything. OK!!!
My well thought plan for my future.....not group d 3
I know for a fact that I defiantly want to go to college after high school. I probably will go to ECC for first two years then University of Buffalo. Endless I get an amazing scholarship, which probably would not happen at all. I am still not sure if the career I pick is the one that is meant for me. I mean I do like money but do I want be an accounted for the rest of my life. I already limited so many other careers for me. For an example I can never be a teacher. Why, because I probably freak out some of the students who don’t behave. I don’t want to be that teacher. I hate teachers who freak out on the whole class only when one student did something wrong. I cannot be a veterinarian. I would be crying every time I see poor little animal injured or if I have to put it down. I would die if that was my job. So I can’t work with students or animals. I know there are many other jobs out there and I need find the one that matches my personality and what I like. Hopefully when I am a senior next year (Yikes!!), I will know what I want to do for rest of my life. So my plan is to go college and get a job after college, so I don’t have to live in a cardboard box, because cardboard box is not a good future to have. When I do go to college I plan on playing tennis so I can keep the freshman 15 off. I am not sure if I am going do other clubs and such because I will be working, going college full time, and playing tennis. Maybe if the clubs are not that long. Will that’s my very scatter plan for the future which my luck. I’m going to need it.
Monday, October 17, 2011
THE BEST CLASS EVER!!! group d 2
My favorite class so far this year is Online Publishing 2. P.S. I am not doing this for brownie points. The reason why I love Online Publishing 2 it isn’t difficult class. The only way you can fail this class is you do not do anything at all. I love the awesome person who sits next to me every day in class ---------Ã . She is extremely entreating so I am never bored. I would die if we had seating chart in this class. The teacher of the class is also very funny even though sometime he has bad taste in humor. He is still funny. I love to write so this class and I belong with one another. I did have hard time sometimes of thinking up articles ideas sometimes. I want to write about what people are interested in. Not just some random article that’s just there so I can get a grade. I love to listen to music so it’s awesome that we are allowed to listen to music in this class. I am actually listening to a song right now. Yeah I am just that cool. Another awesome thing about this class is casual Fridays, sitting around stuffing our faces with food and awkwardly standing around and making conversation. I love Katie’s cupcakes there awesome. Hopefully one day everyone in the world can have one these cupcakes. If not I don’t want live in that world. I wonder if we are doing casual Friday this Friday. We should. This class is so awesome in so many ways. I wish I can take this class next year, but unfortunately I can’t. I am going be packed with college classes since I want at least 3/4my freshman year of college to be done in high school. Also one my friends who been in this class last year and this year isn’t going be here. So I would be awkwardly alone. Will let’s try making this class THE BEST CLASS EVER!!!
Fav teacher croup d 1
I had many teachers in my life. Some were just pure evil and others were very nice and sweet. It is hard to pick a teacher who had big impact on my life since I’m usual not the so call “favorite”. I guess I had two favorites’ teachers in high school that had big impact on my life. I guess one my favorite teachers is Mrs. Puntoriero. I believe she is probably one best foreign language teacher I had. Whenever I needed help she was there for me. She just didn’t sit me in corner by myself. She was much interacted during the classes. We played tons of games not only were they fun it help me a lot to remember the words. I believe if she wasn’t my teacher and if she didn’t help me as much I would have probably fail the Spanish regents. My second favorite teacher you all are going be very shock at. Dare I say Mr. Currin is also another one my favorite teachers. He is extremely funny at times and the class environment isn’t scary strict. When he yells he is usual jokingly. I hate it when at teacher is mad at one student and starts freaking out on the whole class. Even though his humor isn’t as funny as he think it is, he still great teacher. I have to say I am very happy I decide to take online publishing 2. It is very fun class to have and since I have a few changeling classes this year, this just make life a lot easier. I got say out all the teachers I had throughout the years the good and the extremely horrible teachers I had. These two are lucky enough to be on my list. You are welcome Mrs. Puntoriero and Mr. Currin.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Don't hate, just love. group c 3
I find this whole suicide thing horrible. What is the point of making fun of someone else who is different from you? Does it make you feel better? I still can’t believe there have been no laws that have been passed in New York State about bullying, online or off. How many more teenagers are going to have to kill themselves? More teens are going to keep killing themselves and those who cause it won’t face any punishment at all. So many young people already lost the fight against bullying and decided it would be easier to end it all just because that person or people have no tolerance to different people. It is never right to hurt another person in any mental or psychical way because someone else has different beliefs than you. Think about it for a minute. If you have been making fun of someone else by the way the look and they decide to end their life. Then your own child or friend decides to take their life because someone has been making fun of them being gay. Do you want that? Someone you love has been taken away from you by someone else. Think about how that family feels who just lost their son. Do you want to feel the same pain as they do? Now it’s our time to stand up and have laws pass to stop this. The more we wait the more kid/teens will keep dying. For now it might not imply to you, until your own child is gone and you could have stopped it, if you just support laws against bullying. Suicide is third leading cause in death for age groups ranging 14 to 25. Over one million die of suicide each year in America. We have power to stop it. Stand up as one and we can defeat these demons. R.I.P Jamey Rodemeyer
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
My lunch yo. group c 2
I love Carbones. We try a million pizza places before we finally found this beautiful place. We don’t get pizza that often maybe once over two or maybe three month period. We get a party pizza because it is a better deal. Then we get two twenty-five orders of wings. One box is hot and the other is barbecued. Then of course we get some celery sticks on side that my dad loves. He gets very upset if they forget to get to put them in our order. Of course if there is a special deal going on we might get garlic sticks. Which are awesome. Unfortunately all this stuff is very unhealthy that is why we don’t get it so much because my mom wants us to be healthy so we won’t die. I feel so love. LOL. WE just recently had to for my sister birthday even though her birthday won’t be for another few weeks, but her boyfriend was going be out of town during that time so we decided to have it early. I really want pizza now, but of course I am not going get pizza from Carbones for like another month or so. That really stinks. I mean could go there and order something myself, but I don’t want to waste my money or my time. Plus I don’t need any more junk food in my diet sadly. I love this restaurant so much I could marry it and then I would probably eat it. Then the same cycle will keep going on on on on on on on on on on. Until you know I die of obesity. I really wish they can make it healthier then they probably would suck. Then I will not be happy bubble girl as I am usual.
Monday, September 26, 2011
I need my milk people. c group 1
Ok I got say the best lunch I get is from the snack bar. That what I have been eating, just two bags of chips. I do like to eat the salads put sometimes it’s all pick over. I guess I like the easiness of just getting the chips. I don’t have stand their making it while someone is pressure on me to move faster along. I know those chips are obviously not the healthy choice but I try my best to eat health. As long I’m not eating two bags of chips each day it is not that bad. Tomorrow I am probably going get salad and Wednesday I am probably get chips again since I don’t like potato bar day. I think when I was little my mom packed me very awesome lunch, a sandwich, bag of chips, grapes or another healthy choice and a juice box. Yeah but she doesn’t pack me lunch. She told me if I wanted a pack lunch I will have to do it myself. As much fun that would be, I would rather not. That would mean I would have to drag another bag to school and I already have my book bag and my tennis bag. Then if I ever forget it I would starve and then I would turn into monster. Trust me on this one; you do not want to be around me at all if I’m striving. Talking about all this amazing food makes me want to eat and I just had lunch last block right before writing this wonderful article. I want get mil before tennis practice. I try to get one during lunch but the stupid machine refuse to take my dollar. I was so mad. I hope they fix that problem. I need my milk people.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Homecoming queen,gingers, and big cookies. b group 4
Ok I was just told by Katie Herter that she doesn’t like me. I cried. Then she told me she was joking. A ginger bit Katie in lunch. She is now going turn into a ginger. I’m kind of afraid. I like my beautiful blonde hair. I love big cookies. They had them in lunch today. Homecoming dance is coming up. Exciting, yes. I got a very cute dress on sale at Debs. A good a moment of the dresses where like destroyed. I got 2 dresses. My homecoming dress is white and very sparkle and has little black flowers on it. Then there is this black bow on the lower part of the dress. I also got this amazing headband that I LOVE IT. I wish had had place to where these dresses too after high school is over. I don’t care I wear it to like a fancy restaurants and if people are staring. Their just jealous of my amazingly bold fashion choices, like usual. I have art club after school today. I can’t wait. I miss the first meeting because of sports pictures. I’m on the tennis team. I can’t wait they are picking officials. Mr. Currin just pretends to attack Katie and the Homecoming queen with a pencil. The Homecoming queen as known as Amber let me put her crown on. Then I took a picture. So when I’m 50 I will lie to my grandchildren that I was the Homecoming. He just called all editors to his desk and then they yelled edit. Mr. Currin you need work on this cheer. If you can’t do it right don’t do it at all. According to Mr. Currin Brain won the lottery when he got him as adv. teacher. I believe he is referring to the story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
get up and go. group b 3
Great moment in my life…go. Yes I guess that is great moment in my life. Just get up and go. I love to get up and go. When I first decide to join art club, it was like half way throw the year and my friends were in it and I was like why not? We were watching a movie, Toy story 3. IT WAS AWESOME!!!! The ending was sad slash happy. During the dramatic scenes some of my friends were hugging each other for dear life. It was so funny. We ate pizza and other junk food. It was awesome. The big shocker at the end of the movie wasn’t the movie itself. It was when the art teacher announces she has never seen Toy store 1 or 2. Everyone in the room scream what!!!! I still can’t believe I hope she has watch both of the movies. If she hasn’t she is missing out big time. It was sad when the movie ended we had to get up clean up after ourselves and then leave. I really didn’t want to leave but I also don’t want stay lock up in the school all alone. That would not be fun at all. My friend mom gave me ride home, which was a good thing because my mom was having a really bad headache. I have decided to join art club this year again but unfortunately I had to miss the first meeting because we had tennis pictures that day. I guess next year is my last shot to see if I can ever catch the first art club meeting. But I have feeling something when get in my way like usual. Well I guess that sums up my blog on great moment in my life. Now I just need, yes I’m at 300 words I can stop now!!!
Im going marry fall! group b 2
I’m pretty sure we did this blog last year. I quickly look into my file to see if I can find it and just reuse but I couldn’t find it. I did find my article from last year on fall and how awesome it is. I decide not use that because that is more generalize and not so personal. Ok if you haven’t figure it out what my favorite season is yet that’s sad. My favorite season is fall. I love the cool air and it isn’t hot and everything. I love making leave piles and jumping in to them. It isn’t much fun doing it by yourself so I haven’t done it in a long time. I also love Halloween but my mom doesn’t like it that much so we never done anything special. My friend is having a Halloween party this year and I can’t wait. I’m going make my dad take are Halloween stuff out of the attic. I hope he does it. I don’t want buy a new costume or anything. I was thing of making something out one the old costumes. I don’t have much left to say how much I love fall. Now I am seriously considering finding my old blog on this topic. What is the point of writing something you already wrote about? Now I’m stuck here rambling how much I love fall and how I hate the other 3 seasons. Doesn’t it just get boring for you? Will here I go. Fall is so awesome it kicks the other seasons butts. It has tons of colors and looks so pretty. It’s like a unicorn throw up rainbows everywhere it form of leaves. I want to marry fall because it is just that cool and only really cool stuff can marry someone as amazing as me. I’m awesome.
I'm not a stalker!!! group b 1
Yes I do use Facebook. I don’t post a lot of statues on Facebook. I do comment on what people say and such. There are many positive and negatives about Facebook. One thing is that people you don’t like can find you on Facebook. It really stinks because when you denied their friend request they are all mad at you. A positive about Facebook is that if there is a school event/club meeting I find out real fast. It does make me mad when some people don’t take advantage of it. I miss the first club meeting because the president decides it would be easier just to have it on announcements. My advisement class was so loud I couldn’t hear it. I end up missing first meeting. I was not happy what so ever at all. We all know how I get when I am not happy. Right Mr. Currin? I guess another negative thing about Facebook is that people can steal your identity. I think it really stinks if someone does that to you. If you are accepting friends request just so it looks like you have a lot friends that is kind of your fault. Also if you post your full name and all your information, that is another mistake on your part. I don’t like when Facebook just changes private setting without even telling you. I’m at home and my sister was yelling at me because I posted something on Facebook that she crashes both of my parents’ cars just by pulling into the driveway. I then found out my private setting was change my Facebook. That anyone was able to see it. I was pissed off. Another time Facebook close down my account and they gave me this long list of reasons why. Most of the reason made me sound like I was child molester. I sent them email asking why my account was close and they never responded. I had to create a new Facebook and I wasn’t allowed to use my new email because it was put on the black list apparently. SO I guess Facebook is kind of pain sometimes other times its ok.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Who cares what you like? group a
I feel comfortably writing almost about anything. I usually write in poetry form. I like writing mostly dark stuff I don’t know why. I think it’s more realistic to this life and everything isn’t all happy and ok. But I do like to write an ending where everything is worked out and solve. Sure in the end everyone might not get what they want but isn’t that life. I think I do like write about supernatural things, were people have special powers and can do things most ordinary people can’t do. I’m not really sure why I love that kind of stuff. I think is because how cool would it being to have special powers and be able to do cool stuff. I don’t like to write a lot of dialogue because I’m not good at that. I’m better at showing what the character is thinking and how they are feeling. I don’t like to write about sport events endless I am there because it seems I have a better grasp on what has happen. I can write almost about almost anything. Some stuff is gone to be better than others because some subjects don’t really interest be. I don’t like to interview. It is nice because you usual get enough words for that but I usually find interview articles boring. I can care less about what is your favorite color. Yet I can write a whole article based on interview but it most likely won’t be as fun or exciting article. I also write about animals’ pov. I mean who won’t want to know what going on in a cute foxes little head. I’m pretty sure I wrote a blog about a fox last year. I bet it rock. I know you love it because who won’t? Will that’s what I like and don’t.
Monday, September 12, 2011
The best years of this girl life!! Group A
I have two years of schooling that are my favorite. One from middle school and one from high school so far. My first one is 6 grade. The reason that was my favorite year was because I met my bff. We both like the same dorky stuff like anime and such. I also remember having study hall at the end of the day and I was able to finish a lot of my homework that was good year. My other favorite grade was sophomore year. It was really fun I finally got good friends that I could trust and I also had some amazing teachers last year. Sure class did seem boring but then my teachers would let us play a fun game. Even if the class was little dry the teacher made it up by being funny and nice. I had tons of fun with my friends at the homecoming. My one friend try to dip be but I thought I was going to fall since she like half my size. Winter ball wasn’t as good. But we still had fun. We had tons of fun at the pep rallies. Watching are classes fight and stuff. The harry potter game last year was great choice it was funny, exciting and interesting. I think some people unfortunately were too focusing on the inaccuracy it reflects harry potter. It was cool that I had some friends in my classes. I’m like that lonely person you will see seating alone if I have no friends in my classes. But last year I got really lucky because I had at least one friend in each class that made be very happy. I don’t know if this junior year going to top all the other years. But I guess we will I have to wait and see about that.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
I'm going to rule the world!!! group a
I know for this school year I really want be honor roll all year round and I also want to get straight A’s. The last part is a long shot. I really hope this year I don’t procrastinate a lot. I did that a lot in freshman year since most of the stuff was easy. I didn’t do it as much in sophomore. Now this year I just plan on getting everything done ahead of time because I am afraid with the way classes are arrange now I might forget something my accident and that would be very bad. I also plan on getting better at tennis. I am amaze I am not at the bottom consider I only played tennis during the summer and everyone else had year of practice. I also hope I decide on career this year. I was thinking accounting since it pays good money. But I have to look more into that. I would hate to go to college and find out how much I hate it and have to start all over again. That would take time and money and I have limited amount of both. I plan on taking accounting next year. Let’s hope I like it! My parents are all over me picking something. It’s giving me a headache. I also hope I can write more outside of school I love to write out of school put with tennis and everything I hope writing doesn’t take a backseat. I don’t have that many goals. I mean if I had too many goals the chances of me accomplishing them would be lower. I think I have some good goals. I don’t know during the school year I might create some more goals I don’t know. I do believe it is important to have some goals or what else would we do with are lives? Just poke each other with really sharp sticks?
Be jealous .group A
During summer I did mostly tennis each day. I was a part of rec tennis and I was in the advance group. Not because I was good, it was because of my age. I had a lot of fun. We played some games and learn new skills. But one day I had to ride my sister bike to tennis one day and I was coming home and I fell off because I didn’t react fast enough on breaks. I was on side walk. I didn’t fall hit the ground I kind of caught myself. Unfortunately I had dropped my tennis bag because it was either it or me. I choose myself obviously. My bag hit the ground and my water bottle pop open and killed my iPod. It was sad. I had a mini funeral for it. Good news was I was able to my sister old iPod off her for twenty bucks. I also join the tennis team during summer. We had enough girls so we didn’t have to try out. Wish kind of stink because I was practicing a lot. The rest of the summer was pretty boring. Except for last Friday my friend who works at Darien Lake gets free tickets with her paycheck. She took me and four other friends to Darien Lake. It was so much fun. We went on all the water rides first since it was really hot and then we went on the regular rides. Soon we stop and ate some subway. Then after are amazing dinner we played some games. I went home earlier because I was really tired because I had tough tennis match before I went to Darien Lake. The day after this amazing day I had get blood work done and then we went to the mall. I got two great dresses for school dances. I was surprise I was able find two cheap dresses that were in good condition, some of the dresses were just trashed. That is what I did for my whole summer. Be jealous, be very jealous.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Believe in yourself
Since bullying has become an everyday part in our school systems some children learn to look at themselves in negative way. When growing up and being bullied every day, the kids learn to hate themselves. They look at themselves in a negative way. They believe that they are worthless because of the bullies. This causes low self-esteem, and unhappiness in them. Students should learn not to listen to the hurtful things that are being said to them. If someone begins to look down on themselves all the time they should try to do some creative things to show themselves they are smart. They can keep a journal and write down one positive thing that happened to them that day. There are many ways to have a positive outlook on life. You can also try joining a club that helps other people. For example most schools have a Leo Club. You can also try joining a sport to get all your angry out of you. It isn’t a good idea to try keeping all your angry built up inside of you. There is always going be a few people who are going to be mean to you or pick on you. The key is to ignore them. They want a reaction from you. If these problems continue, go to a teacher or the principal. They will help you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Each day a person is diagnose with a reading disorder. No one is alone. Even if your disorder is different that doesn’t mean you don’t have anything in common with other people. They both will have to deal with an everyday struggle just to keep up in the class room. Don’t be afraid to join in with your class. It may seem scary especially if there is a person making fun of you. If you do your best in class and try hard every day, the bully would then feel like an idiot for making fun of someone who is trying. Remember violence is never the answer. Nothing good ever comes from dealing with violence. Someone can get severely injured even if their innocent bystander. Remember keep your head high and be proud for who you are.
My Blog :Famous people who have Disorders
Many people believe that if you have a reading disorder you can’t amount to anything in life, which is a very untrue statement. There are many people who have reading disorder and they are able to accomplish many things in their lives. One person who struggle with dyslexia is Jay leno. When he was in school he mostly got C’s and D’s. He wanted to attend Emerson College in Boston the admissions officer told him he was not qualified. He was determined to get in to the college. He sat out in a waiting room for 12 hours each day for five days a week until they let him in the college. He believes that his dyslexia help him become the determined, strong person he is today. Another person who has dyslexia is Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise comes from a poor family. His family moved a lot when he was growing up. He has a reading disorder just like his mother has. When he wasn’t successful in academics, he focused his attention on playing sports. Unfortunately he suffered from a knee injury. When he was in high school he was in a few plays. His mother encouraged him to be an actor and with his mother’s support he focused his energy on being an actor. He didn’t let his dyslexia stop him from becoming an amazing actor he is today. Another person who has Dyslexia is Whoopi Goldberg. When she was growing up she was picked on a lot. Many of the kids called her dumb, when she wasn’t. She didn’t know she had a reading disorder until she was an adult. She learned how to cope with it and went on with her life to become a successful American entertainer. Another famous person is Pablo Picasso. Even with his disorder it was quite obvious he had talent for art. Picasso painted things as he saw them out of order backwards and upside down. Despite the struggles each of them had to deal with during their lives they were able to become successful for they all had special talents. They didn’t let their reading disorder hold them back from becoming who they wanted to be.
Symptoms for Reading Disorder
All Reading Disorders are different, two are not the same. They are many different symptoms and signs that your child might have a reading disorder. If you think your child has it or matches the symptoms you would want to get it checked out as soon as possible. If you ignore it and the older they get the window of opportunity to help them to deal with it will close and they won’t truly learn how to deal with it. One of the signs is if your child can’t say words properly at the age of two. If they are having difficulty saying syllables or single words that have a specific sound, also if they have difficulty with rhyming. Another sign is if they switch words or letters while reading and writing. If they also can’t determine the meaning of a simple sentence that can be a sign they might have a Reading Disorder. If you want the best for your child you should consider getting them checked out just in case. If your child does have a Reading Disorder the best things you can do is love and support your child. There is many ways you can help your child. One of the first things you must do is make sure the school knows they have a reading disorder so they can help and give them the attention that they deserve. It also helps if you practice with them. Trying to make them read out loud to you every night is another way you can help with their disorder. It also might not be a bad idea to get them a tutor for at home if you can’t help your child understand it. Putting this off and pretending it doesn’t exit will only hurt your child in the long run. The older they get the less likely they will be able to understand and deal with it. Get them help as soon as possible. This does not only affect their reading. It affects all their other subjects and their ability to understand them. It isn’t easy for a child to have a reading disorder of any kind they are going to have deal with it for rest of their lives.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Choice 1/10-1/14
I don’t like choice blogs at all. Frankly none of the blogs this week were that good. Were you even trying Mr.Currin. If so well let’s just day I’m not surprise. I guess I can talk about how ignorant some people can be but then that will get be all worked up and extremely sad. Todays were not a good day for me. I wish today could have been more fun. I hate when people just ruin my whole day just by saying stupid things. I can’t think of anything happy or good to say about today. I guess I can say I had fun in gym playing ultimate Frisbee. I knock a few in the air. Then I can talk about how no one would even pass me the Frisbee when I am open. Then they pass it to someone else and their not even open. Doesn’t that annoy you? In the end my team won. But I could care less about that I mean it isn’t fun winning when you didn’t help in the game or even had fun. I guess I just going to have live with it. Well I hope tonight will be better. I also hope tomorrow is extremely better and what has happen today will be forgotten if not will my next blog will also be a very sad blog like this. Well I want talk about why else I’m so very very very sad but then that will make me even more sad then I am now. Will I have to stay after school math review I’m hoping I am going do good one the regents if I don’t will be sad. I’m also studying Spanish because I have a Spanish regents to I did really good on my speaking task I have yet to do my other one. Will that it for now I guess.
How has social networking impacted your life? 1/10-1/14
I think the Social Network had little impact on my life. I mean sure I post few things on my Facebook and read other people post but it doesn’t change my life that much. They do have cool games and quizzes on Facebook. You know if you have like not life and stuff. I don’t like MySpace at all I have account on it and there is nothing to do on it. I cannot even remember the last time I was on it. I think Twitter is just as worthless. I mean seriously you post comments and that’s it. Also they picked the name Twitter out of a hat. Yes yes they did I can’t remember the other names but they were all pretty stupid. I think it is very stupid how people get random request from people they don’t even know and they accept. When I first join Facebook I got like twenty request from people I had no idea who they were. I keep all my information private on Facebook. There is no reason for other people to be snooping around. I had a cousin where people got her information and they called my grandmother’s house asking for money because their stranded and my aunt got on the phone and it scared then off. It is really sad how some people are just so desperate for money they try to rip off some old women. I really hope that never happens to me. Well now I have to write 50 more words and I have no idea what I’m going to write. There is so much to talk about I mean there is a billion subjects I can pick, like bullying, global warming, regents and more. How do I just pick one of these very interesting topics? OH lookie I’m at 300 well I guess I’m done now.
Describe your typical Superbowl Sunday 1/10-1/14
My typical Sunday is like every Sunday other Sunday except for the fact I eat all the very great junk food and my dad starts complaining that I’m eating all food. I don’t like sitting there watching sports. I love to play football but it’s just plain boring to me if I sit there and watch it. I really have nothing else to say about super Bowl Sunday. I guess if you’re a big football player this would be the blog of your dreams. If you’re just a plain ordinary girl who could care less about watching football this blog is your nightmare. My dad watches football but I don’t think it isn’t so fun for him because he doesn’t have any sons to share it with. I wonder if it is a really crap day of the Super bowl will people still go and to see it I won’t. That is plain crazy. I wonder if people whose teams don’t even make it to the Super Bowl still watch it. If I was into watching sports on tv and my team didn’t make it to the Super Bowl I still be very curious who will when it. I wonder who will win this year. I hope it’s my dad’s team. I don’t who my day team is but I’m positive that it isn’t the Buffalo Bills. He always makes fun of them. Have the Buffalo Bills every make it to the Super Bowl before? I wish after a game someone over the announcement using sarcasm “The Bills lost again what a surprise”. I am not the only one who thinks that funny right. It will be even funnier if it was at the Super Bowl but I positive that they aren’t going to the Super Bowl anytime soon. Bye
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
1/3-1/7 Choice
I have discovered something that has just changed my whole world, these awesome backgrounds for our blogs. I decide to change my background today and I discover these amazing pictures. I was all like “ooohhhh”. Katie was like really then she saw them to and she said “ooohhh”. We both look through the picture scanning and applying them to our blogs wondering which ones we like best. Katie forms a love with a picture from the science pictures. She had to have it. It was a picture of outer space. She changes her pictures as fast as lightening. I took a little longer to decide which picture I want for my blog. I wanted something that spark put wasn’t totally out there. After applying picture after picture I decide on a pink, yellow, green circle thing. Pink is not my favorite color but I like switch things up a lot. Now most of female population who had read it is most likely thinking what the heck. Most of the men most likely would have stop reading after “these awesome backgrounds”. If I’m wrong oh well Mr. Currin did say we can write about anything we want and I wrote about my amazing background, which looks awesome no matter what you say. Know Katie keeps giggling every time I say something. Today’s online publishing class is good one today. I found an article to write about and Katie has yet to beaten me up and Mr. Currin hasn’t taken a student’s face and smashing it through a monitor. Its ok we have an extra computer, no need to worry. Katie just step on my cute little toes, the she laugh evilly as I cried. I think online publishing class can be a very dangerous place to be in. Warnings do not bring small children or kittens in this room. Thank You!!! J
Monday, January 3, 2011
1/3-1/7 What does 2011 hold in store for you?
I already have some new year’s resolution already. I’m going try to exercise more and eat healthier. (P.S Thanks Katie I was doing well up to the cupcake point.)My second new year’s resolution is to have better control over my anger. My Third resolution is trying to do better in school and to do well on exams. I think 2011 is going be great year. 2010 was ok year but I want 2011 to be awesome so I’m working hard towards that cool. I’ve already trying to better myself for this year and try to have more fun too. I’m extremely excited for my 16 birthday is January 31. I’m going get my belly buttons pierce. Next fall I plan on joining the tennis team. It seems like a very fun sport. I love playing it in gym and I think I’m good at it. I want to have a summer job this year. It is most likely going to be at Darien Lake. I’m kind of hoping it will be in the shade but I know I shouldn’t get my hopes up. I’m going try to keep up with my scrapbook this year. I did a lot of catching up over the week off. I also went ahead some. I start decorated my 16 birthday page to the extreme. It is all sparkly the page is blue sparkly and the big black letters that I use to spell out happy birthday are also sparkly. I put some stickers of birthday cake and hats on it already. I plan on add some picture to my scrapbook to. I haven’t gotten them printed. I really need them soon. Will those are my big plans for 2011. I hope it is a great year for me but for everyone to. HaPpY nEw YeAr’S.
1/3-1/7 Reflect on your 2010
I think 2010 was ok year. It was my freshman year. One of my closest friends move away and I was little sad about that. I guess one of the positives that came out of that is I met Stephanie and Val in art class. They were in most of my classes for the next half of the year. One of the negatives of 2010 is that’s when I got my nasal problem and had it ever since last January. It stinks a lot. Will for sophomore year that was in 2010 was pretty good so far. It is way better the freshman year. I’ve been on honor roll so far. I’m trying to do honor roll for the whole year. I started a scrapbook during 2010. It looks pretty awesome. I had some really good teacher for 2010 all of them were helpful and nice. I wish I did more activities in the beginning of 2010. I’ve join the Art Club and the Leo Club. They’re both every fun Clubs we watch the Toy Store 3 in Art Club. It is an awesome movie. You got to see it if you haven’t already. Homecoming was extremely fun I love dancing with all my friends and the bleach marathon we had had my friend’s house before we went to the dance. I love the guitar hero my group of lovely friends won. I actually had few friends in different bands. I love thing and the Hawaii theme dance after guitar hero. The judges were pretty funny. I think my overall 2010 was ok nothing special happen during that year ad nothing extremely horrible happen. I hope 2011 is better the 2010. Will who doesn’t hope for that. Will 2010 wasn’t a total failure at least it could have been way worst.
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