Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9/20-9/24 Past

           Like any normal kid I was trying to learn to ride a bike. However I was very slow learn with it. I was so afraid to fall of my bike and get hurt. My mom was always trying teaching me to ride. I think my dad try to help me once in a while. I gave up many times. But every time I saw my sisters riding their bikes made me want to learn again. Of course after falling of many times I eventually learn how to ride a bike. I was very happy about it. But unfortunately I never learn how to know there is something wrong with my breaks. So about year later I was going down are street and the street has a little hill bump in it. My friend was watching me go down the hill. When I started to go down the hill a car was backing out of a driveway. I tried to stop but I couldn’t. The car stops right on sidewalk for some reason and I end up kinda hitting it. There was no damage to car, the bike, or myself. I was very lucky nothing bad didn’t happen. I learn from these experience is to never give up on a project you’re working on no matter how hard or painful it is. Also before taking you bike out for a spin make sure everything is working fine. Or you might end up getting hit by a car or hitting a car.

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